I'm Dr. Leo Manville, Department of Public Health. This is Dr. White.
Men in Black
Okay, sweetie, let me pay the impolite driver.
Men in Black
You insensitive jerk! Do you have any idea how much that stings?
Men in Black
You know, it's...
Men in Black
Where you coming from?
Men in Black
We get an ultimatum, a warning shot, then a galactic week to respond. A galactic week? How the hell long is that? One hour. One hour? Then what? That's bullshit! To keep the bugs from getting it, Arquillians will destroy that galaxy. And whatever planet it's on. You're talking about us. Sucks, huh?
Men in Black
This one's eating...
Men in Black
She looks over to her husband...
Men in Black
You were like a drunk prom date.
Men in Black
Six is up!
Men in Black
You're restricted to Manhattan. Where are you going, Redgie?
Men in Black
Fishing in Cuernavaca.
Men in Black
INS, Division 6.
Men in Black
Well, well. Big, bad bug got a bit of a soft spot, huh? I can't understand why you gotta... ...come down here bringing all this ruckus... ...snatching up galaxies and everything. My attitude is, don't start nothing, won't be nothing.
Men in Black
...indicating a temperature increase.
Men in Black
All that's confiscated. Be on the next transport off this rock, or I shoot where it don't grow back. And I'm gonna be back to talk about them Rolexes.
Men in Black
We do not discharge our weapons in view of the public! We ain't got time for this bullshit! There's a alien battle cruiser about to... There's always an alien battle cruiser or a death ray... ...or an intergalactic plague about to wipe out life on Earth. The only way people get on with their happy lives... ...is they do not know about it!