BATMAN: "Us"? You were excommunicated... a gang of psychopaths.
The Dark Knight Rises
Get me Commissioner Gordon. l got a line on the congressman's kidnapping.
The Dark Knight Rises
From here, Bane's men patrol the tunnels.
The Dark Knight Rises
MERCENARY 1 : What do you think you're--?
The Dark Knight Rises
-He's behind you. -Who? BATMAN: Me.
The Dark Knight Rises
And they're not your average brawlers.
The Dark Knight Rises
Still don't trust me, huh?
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Right when l saw you, l knew who you really were. l'd seen that look on your face before. lt's the same one l taught myself. l don't know why you took the fall for Dent's murder... ...but l'm still a believer in the Batman...
The Dark Knight Rises
WAYNE: You check that name? Bane? ALFRED: He's a mercenary. No other known names. Him and his men were behind a coup in West Africa... ...that secured mining operations for our friend John Daggett.
The Dark Knight Rises
Why did you say that your boys' home used to be funded by the Wayne Foundation? BLAKE: Because the money stopped. Might be time to get some fresh air. Start paying attention to the details.
The Dark Knight Rises
Bruce Wayne, billionaire orphan. l mean, we used to make up stories about you, man. Legends. And, you know, with the other kids, that's all it was, just stories, but....
The Dark Knight Rises
And now there's evil rising from where we tried to bury it. The Batman has to come back. What if he doesn't exist anymore? He must.
The Dark Knight Rises
We were in this together... ...then you were gone. WAYNE: The Batman wasn't needed anymore. -We won. -Based on a lie.
The Dark Knight Rises
WAYNE: Now Daggett's brought them here. -Or so it seems. -l'll keep digging. -Yeah.
The Dark Knight Rises
...even if you're not.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Pull them out. Pull them out now! SINGER: Through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched Were so gallantly streaming And the rockets' red glare The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through-- BANE: That's a lovely, lovely voice. --that our flag was still there Oh, say does that star-spangled banner Yet wave O'er the land of the free And the home of the brave [CHEERING]