Found 970 results
Care to go for a little spin? Hi-ya! Double spin!
Big Hero 6
He was such a good man. What happened?
Big Hero 6
Helps my pubescent mood swings.
Big Hero 6
Nothing! No ideas! Useless, empty brain!
Big Hero 6
Well, kind of serious. I can see why. With your bot, winning must come easy.
Big Hero 6
That's my brother's.
Big Hero 6
You just let him die.
Big Hero 6
Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech.
Big Hero 6
Okay, special dinner tonight.
Big Hero 6
I can use the data from your scan to find him. Uh, you'd have to scan everyone in San Fransokyo.
Big Hero 6
So, let's get back to work.
Big Hero 6
Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.
Big Hero 6
You are not allergic to bacitracin.
Big Hero 6
Then what were you two knuckleheads thinking?
Big Hero 6
- Hyperspectral cameras? - Yep.
Big Hero 6