Found 491 results
Hey! Right here.
Jurassic World
Where is it? Is it in the basement? Is there a downstairs? Maybe it's in the rec room. It was just here. We were just here.
Jurassic World
Yeah, what's the problem? It's in the cage! It's in there with you! Go!
Jurassic World
Maybe progress should lose for once.
Jurassic World
Dude. Off-road. But they told us to go back.
Jurassic World
These guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, belt buckle and all. What if they decide they wanna be in control?
Jurassic World
Why are you calling me Mr. Grady? Owen.
Jurassic World
Hey, knock it off.
Jurassic World
All right, whatever. You know what? it doesn't matter, okay? I'm gonna be gone in two years anyway. I mean, all my friends' parents are divorced.
Jurassic World
This does not feel safe. Can we stay with you? I am never leaving you as long as you live. No, him.
Jurassic World
I know, I know.
Jurassic World
You're all relieved of duty.
Jurassic World
Hey! You guys can't just be walking up in...
Jurassic World
It's them! Zach!
Jurassic World
See? Totally safe.
Jurassic World