I hope we sharpened the cream cheese spreader. [BOTH PANTING] [GASPS] I'll be right back! We're definitely naming our kid Cher!
Deadpool 2
I still got it.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
RUSSELL: You sacrificed yourself for me. DEADPOOL: It would seem I...
Deadpool 2
Boy howdy. Hi. This is a toughie. [BABY CRYING] Yeesh. Oh, yes. You're already practicing your salute, huh? Yes, you are. Well, we'll take care of that, won't we? Jesus Christ! This is so much harder than I thought. Oh, I'm going to hell. That makes two of us. You can do this. [CLICKS TONGUE] This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. All right.
Deadpool 2
I had so much fun! You were like... [GRUNTS] And I was like, "Take a seat, shit dick." Just let me die in peace. [GRUNTS] We make a great team! Oh, God! We're not a team. [COUGHING] Why'd you say that back there? We're friends, partners. We're not partners or friends.
Deadpool 2
Watch my back. I've got the old man. Amen, brother.