What are you talking about? He's fucking loaded. No, no. The wealth is all Mother's.
The Big Lebowski
You know, people forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone. On you maybe. Of course, you have to take the good with the bad. New technology permits us to do very exciting things in interactive erotic software. Wave of the future, Dude. 100% electronic. Well, I still jerk off manually.
The Big Lebowski
No, Mr. Lebowski, it had not occurred to me. That had not occurred to us, Dude. Well, okay, you know? You guys aren't privy to all the new shit, so, you know... But, hey, that's what you... That's what you pay me for.
The Big Lebowski
You think we are kidding or making with the funny stuff? We could do things you haven't dreamed of, Lebowski. Ja, we believes in nothing. V\Ie believes in nothing, Lebowski. Nothing! And tomorrow we come back and we cut off your johnson. Excuse me? I said, we cut off yourjohnson! Just think about that, Lebowski. Your Wiggly penis, Lebowski. Ja. Maybe we stomp on it and squish it.
The Big Lebowski
You're lucky they left the tape deck though, and the Creedence.
The Big Lebowski
Here's the money.
The Big Lebowski
See them tumbling down Pledging their love to the ground Lonely, but free, I'll be found You got a good sarsaparilla? Sioux City Sarsaparilla? Yeah. That's a good one.
The Big Lebowski
Forgive me. No problemo, man. So, if I can find your money, what's in it for the Dude? Well, of course, there's that to discuss. You want a refill? Yeah, does the pope shit in the woods? 10% finder's fee. That all right? Okay. Done, Jackie.
The Big Lebowski
Oh, fucking A. Strong men also cry. Strong men also cry.
The Big Lebowski
Are you employed, Mr. Lebowski?
The Big Lebowski
Well, we... I don't... They did not receive the money, you nitwit! They did not receive the money! Her life was in your hands! This is our concern, Dude. No, man. Nothing is fucked here. Nothing is fucked? No, man. The goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain! Man, come on. Who are you gonna believe, those guys or... We dropped off the damn money. We?
The Big Lebowski
Oh, well, I dig your style, too, man. Got a whole cowboy thing going.
The Big Lebowski
No, he runs stuff.
The Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski
Dude. Hey, Marty. Dude, I finally got... I got the venue I wanted.
The Big Lebowski
Jesus fucking Christ. Crazy, huh? Ran away about a year ago. The Kneutsons told me I should show her this when I found her. It's the family farm. It's outside Moorhead, Minnesota. They think it'll make her homesick. Oh, boy. How are you gonna keep them down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?
The Big Lebowski
What the hell happened?
The Big Lebowski
Fuck. Wham he say'? There is no fucking hand-off, man. At the wooden bridge we throw the money out of the oar. We throw the money out of the moving car.