What's going on here? Oh, yeah. We had to send the Contras home. - Home? - Yeah.
American Made
Oh, shit, man. Look at all these guns. We gotta move all of it. Where are we supposed to put all this stuff? Just get it off my property. Anything with the words "Mena". Fuel bills, memos, names, directives, photos, anything like that, anything that can link us with him, you put in the burn bag... and then what do you do with it? - Burn it. - You burn it.
American Made
Townes Van Zandt - "Black Widow Blues"
American Made
What now? We'll call you.
American Made
Let me just...
American Made
Si, si, si, si, si...
American Made
Hey, you two! Where do you think you're going? What, you want to quadruple the shipments? We're counting on the Contras to win by summer if we... if we give 'em what they need. That's great. How much more can you get out of your guy in Mena? We'll get everything out of him. That's what I like to hear.
American Made
American Made
You gotta take care of this family. 'Cause I will take the kids. I will go right back to working for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Luce, what I'm workin' on... - Barry, I'm six months pregnant. - It's top secret. I need a fridge. I need beds for our children. I need a stove, a fucking washing machine.
American Made
I mean, shit.
American Made
Escobar, Ochoa. Raise your hand!
American Made
Uh, Barry? You gonna be all right, Jimmy.
American Made
I opened up one of the Samsonites. I found so much fuckin' money in there. - So much goddamn money. - JB, JB, JB... JB, you can't do that You can't do that.
American Made
And uh...
American Made
The operation got so big, I had to get some help. Pete Dubois, manufactured guns until he discovered he had a knack for selling pot. Stan Mason flew dope from Mexico to Arizona. Bill Cooper, he flew opium all around Southeast Asia during Vietnam.