- Oh! Thanks, Barry. - Don't tell 'em I give you that.
American Made
Dismissed. - Oh, that is bullshit. - Watch yourself, Sibota. - I'm sorry, uh, community service? - ...a drug smuggler of the highest order! - Exhibit D! - Mr. Seal's planes are classified. - I'm sick to fuck of this Mickey Mouse... - Sibota! - tactics and bullshit! - Sibota! I will hold you in contempt! So I'm walkin' outta here? Now? The State of Arkansas has spoken, Mr. Seal. - Do I have to go? - Goodbye.
American Made
Day 36. ♪ And walk the line (walk the line) ♪ ♪ And understand (understand) ♪ ♪ What makes a good man? ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ You know, I guess you could say I helped build an army. Defend a country. And create the biggest drug cartel this world's ever seen. DEA. CIA. White House. I mean, it's been a hell of an adventure. Sometimes a little more than I bargained for.
American Made
Now, God above has blessed this great country with new riches, Mr. Seal.
American Made
You're a drug smuggler, Barry.
American Made
Of course, I fucking love you.
American Made
What's going on here? Oh, yeah. We had to send the Contras home. - Home? - Yeah.
American Made
Y traje tus Harleys.
American Made
That's right.
American Made
Look, just look at this.
American Made
Holy shit.
American Made
When the guys are standin' here holdin' the powder. You know what, fuck it, Pete. I'll take the pictures. Fuck. Listen, once we have one of these photos, who exactly is gonna be lookin' at 'em? These photos are gonna be on a need-to-know basis. Need-to-know. They're gonna be classified at the highest levels, Barry. - Daddy! - Classified.
American Made
JB got a new car. Did you give that boy a raise? Hey, Barry, Luce.
American Made
How can we have a war on drugs... when the biggest enemy of the state is being protected by our side? And that lady prosecutor... She never ever did give up. ...such sting operation was underway. The defendant will rise.
American Made
♪ Ain't nothing wrong with this place for me ♪ Hey, Barry. When you gonna take me flyin', man?
American Made
Hey, you may wanna move your truck too. Them Contras were damn excited about being in the US of A.
American Made
It's...the Governor.
American Made
Is there uh, Is there somewhere else I could take off from?