That's platform 14, one of Shell's helicopters. You need to disregard.
American Made
Yeah, you know, this airport, I mean it's... High altitude and a short runway. I mean, shit, you got trees and mountains on both sides.
American Made
Ima go to prison. I'm gonna do just- just a little time. And Ima be fine there.
American Made
- I've been known to fly some. - Me too. Air National Guard. '68 to '69. Junior?
American Made
For the first time in the history of our country, a majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years.
American Made
Fuck it. Take it for a fucking spin. I want you to take her for a spin.
American Made
No, Pete, you gotta turn that off. I can't see nothin' with that on. Gotcha.
American Made
It's all for me. It's a new business. It's gonna be my business. - Okay, logistical support for airports. - That's right. Okay. And you're callin' it IAC?