Come on, boys. We gotta move. We gotta get all this stuff outta here. - Pete. What, everything? - Come on, boys, lets go. We gotta move this out. Let's go! Let's go! Into the burn bag, go! Purchase orders, aircraft invoices, Need a team here, let's move it out.
American Made
Good luck, kid.
American Made
Oh, uh... We uh, we're sending you to Panama tomorrow. The CIA was so happy with my work, they gave me another job.
American Made
Si. Gasolina. In the car.
American Made
Right here in Baton Rogue. You're listening to the best in Louisiana music.
American Made
My job was just to drop off and pick up.
American Made
Yeah, I mean uh-uh... those photos, see I have a uh... aviation company here in South America, I advise... - Yes, the AIC. - IAC. Yes, Sir. Or is it CIA? What? No, no, no. I'm just a businessman here. I'm a businessman. Imports-Exports. Cattle.
American Made
What? Oh, shit.
American Made
Barry, they don-they don't know about them suitcases you got. or what you got in them planes, the guns you got. They don't know anything about it. We're good, man. I can't fix this. You hear? They're gonna give you 10- 10 years for not talkin'. That's 10 years people gotta worry you will. I didn't say anything, man. You can talk to the goddamn lawyer.
American Made
What now? We'll call you.
American Made
Walter Murphy - "A Fifth of Beethoven"
American Made
Oh, and Barry... Fuck you, man! Fuck you and my cunt sister!
American Made
See, there was this Colonel down in Panama named Noriega.