I live here. - What? - I live here, in terminal. Gate 67. - You live at the airport? - Yes. Day and night. This home, like you. They tell me to wait. So I wait. All frequent fliers feel the same way you do, Viktor. Everybody's waiting. Everybody. - For a flight, for a meeting... - I don't wait for flight or meeting.
The Terminal
I was 18 years old when I started working for the airlines. I've been doing this over 20 years. And now there's no more pretending. This is it. It's why my address book is by city, and my pager goes off during dinner. You can switch off pager. I wish I could. I've been waiting for a phone call for seven years. I know it's coming, Viktor. That's why I can't break it off. That's why I live out of hotels and have my little suitcase packed, ready to go, just in case he wants to meet me for the weekend. Yeah. I've been waiting my whole life. Just don't know what the hell for. I'm so sorry.
The Terminal
- Yeah. - No. - That's the truth. - You are not. I tell everybody I'm 33, and most of the men I've dated think I'm 27, but no. I'm 39. So? I was 39 once.
The Terminal
- I'm 39 years old. - No.
The Terminal
Did you know the croissant was invented in Romania? - Tell me. - Okay. It's 1742, and the Turks invade Bucharest, making a surprise attack under the cover of night. But the town bakers... Sorry. So, the bakers? - No, never mind. It's a dumb story. - No, please. I'm sorry, Viktor. Nobody really cares where the croissant was invented. I'll bet the Romanians themselves don't give a shit. I care. Is histories. Is truth.
The Terminal
Let me see. Enjoy.
The Terminal
Sorry. So, tonight we have cannellonis or chicken. - Cannelloni, please. - Cannelloni. - Sorry. - Thank you. For you, sir? - Same. - That's a great, great choice. I'll be back.
The Terminal
The Terminal
Good night.
The Terminal
It's very nice.
The Terminal
- I... - Unacceptable? Yes. Yes. You want to hear the funny part? I broke up with him. I was coming here to tell you he's out of my life. I'm free. I got tired of waiting. At least we have that in common.
The Terminal
That was gift. Napoleon to Josephine. One thousand fountains.
The Terminal
I didn't know they had a patio up here.
The Terminal
Then what are you waiting for?
The Terminal
Is okay. I understand.
The Terminal
- Come here. - What you do?
The Terminal
I have an idea.
The Terminal
Amelia. I'm just curious. You are the kind of woman who can get any guy she wants.