All right, here we go. Okay. Call them off. Johnson, clear the doors.
The Terminal
I am so sorry about what happened last time, asking you out like that. I'm so used to guys trying to grab my ass at 30,000 feet that when I meet somebody that doesn't, I don't know how to react.
The Terminal
Tell me.
The Terminal
Business or pleasure?
The Terminal
The Terminal
- It doesn't look good, Frank. - I was just following the rules. Sometimes you have to ignore the rules and concentrate on the people. The people, I know. The people, compassion. That's the foundation of this country. You could learn something from Navorski.
The Terminal
Who's telling you to ask me these things? It's a man of misery. Misery? - Mystery? - No, no. Misery. Man of misery.
The Terminal
Your CBP inspection's in three days. The FBI and Homeland Security will tour the airport, spend two hours observing these offices before your interview process begins.
The Terminal
- Stand by. He's fishing. - Copy that. See this bunch of Mickey Mouse sweatshirts? That's the tour from China, connecting to Orlando. When was the last time you saw Chinese tourists on their way to Disney World without any cameras? Possible forged documents on 10 and 11.
The Terminal
What is in there? This is jazz.
The Terminal
- Are you checking in, sir? - No, no. I don't check in. I want to go to this place, please. The lobby lounge is around the corner. They have happy hour specials and live music. Do you like jazz?
The Terminal
Amelia. I'm just curious. You are the kind of woman who can get any guy she wants.