Tracy told you. I told her not to tell you. I wanted to tell you.
The Hangover
I gotta go. Okay. Bye.
The Hangover
...if I may, um... ...l'm assuming that that squad car belongs to one of you. - Yeah. PHIL: Yeah. Look, I'm not a cop. I'm no hero. I'm a schoolteacher.
The Hangover
I'm not even gonna say anything, it's so embarrassing. - Where's Alan? - He, uh, he went downstairs. He said he had to grab a few things. Good, because I have something to show you.
The Hangover
- Enjoy the car? - Mm-hm.
The Hangover
[CHUCKLES] I'm pretty sure that's illegal too. Yeah, maybe after 9/11, where everybody got so sensitive. Thanks a lot, Bin Laden.
The Hangover
Hm. Stupid tiger.
The Hangover
- Oh, God. ALAN: Look at that.
The Hangover
The Hangover
- Are you serious? - What do you think?
The Hangover
I walk along the avenue I never thought I'd meet a girl like you Meet a girl like you And I ran Iran so far away I couldn't get away Thanks, buddy. Can you hold on for a second? Thank you. Ahem.
The Hangover Part II
Bangkok, Oriental setting, and the city Don't know what the city is getting Oh, fuck! In a show with everything But Yul Brynner, ya know?
The Hangover Part II
Um, and a lot of thought have gone into this... and I hope that you appreciate it as much I di... Are going to. Okay. Guys.
The Hangover Part II
I wanted to, um, say that, um, I'm really happy to be here... and I have a wedding gift to present to Lauren and Stu.
The Hangover Part II
All right. But we look at it once... And then we delete them. It's gonna be okay.
The Hangover Part II
One night in Bangkok Makes the hard man humble Not much between despair and ecstasy I can feel the devil walking next to me You do a lot of public speaking, Alan? Mike, you were great. It's true, that was incredible. Thanks, guys. Thank you. That means a lot. Really, it does. By the way, you really need to remove that fucking tattoo from your face.
The Hangover Part II
Yep. On it.
The Hangover Part II
Sorry about the last-minute performance change. - Don't worry. - What are you talking about? Well, he was supposed to sing "Burning Up" by the Jonas Brothers... but then I remembered you don't like indie rock. Hey, guys. You're not gonna believe this. - Is that your phone? - Yeah. How come you never tried calling us? It's been dead for two days. But I recharged it and found all these photos. - What? - Oh, shit. Some of it's pretty messed up. - Awesome. Let's check them out. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. No one needs to see this stuff. Come on, man. I'm Mike Tyson. I've seen everything.