Ah! I told you you had the wrong guy, little boy. Damn, Alan, what the fuck you got me into? - You know him? - This is the guy that sold me the bad drugs. - How you doing? - I didn't sell you no fucking bad drugs. - Wait. He sold you the Ruphylin? - Ruphylin? I sold you that Ru...? Wha...? - Who gives a shit? Where is Doug? - I am Doug. - Your name's Doug? - Yes, I'm Doug. His name's Doug too. Ha. Classic mix-up. Come on. - Hey, Chow. You gave us the wrong Doug. - Not my problem. No, fuck that shit. Now, you give us our 80 grand back and take him with you! - No. Come on. I'll be your Doug. - Oh, yeah, okay. Oh, I take him back. Right after you suck on these little Chinese nuts.
The Hangover
...I slipped something in our Jägermeister.
The Hangover
- It's Phil. - Oh, hey, Phi...
The Hangover
- Anything? STU: Hmm, I got a cigar. Oh, I found, uh... These are some black shoes. - They women's shoes? - I don't know.
The Hangover
GIRL: Fat Jesus. FRANKLIN: All right, now, it's real simple. All you gotta do is point, aim and shoot. All right? Okay, look. You don't really wanna do this. You can do this. Just focus. Don't listen to this maniac. Let's think this through. Finish him! PHIL: Oh, fuck. FRANKLIN: Yeah! [GRUNTING & FRANKLIN LAUGHING] Right in the nuts! That was beautiful. [KIDS LAUGH] - Well done. Give her a hand, everybody. - Good job. Good job. Good job. Well done. Good job. That was great. Good. Hey, we got one more charge left. Anybody wanna do some shooting up here? How about you, big man? Come on up here. Okay, same instructions. Just point, aim and shoot.
The Hangover
Thank you. Oh.
The Hangover
[LAUGHS] FRANKLIN: Let me ask you a question: Do, uh, any of you gentlemen have a heart condition or anything like that?
The Hangover
But if one of my kids went missing on a field trip...
The Hangover
- Shit. DOUG: Heh, heh, heh. - Nice car. DOUG: Yeah. - I'm driving. DOUG: Whoa, no chance, buddy... Don't step... God. Watch the leath... Shut up and drive before these nerds ask me another question. - Animal. - Who's this? - It's Alan. Tracy's brother. - I met you, like, four times. Oh, yeah. How you doing, man?
The Hangover
Tracy told you. I told her not to tell you. I wanted to tell you.
The Hangover
The Hangover
- Here's your car, officers. - Oh, God. All right, everybody act cool. All right, don't say a word. Come on, let's just get in and go. Come on.
The Hangover
No, I know. But we just need a couple more minutes of your time.
The Hangover
The Hangover
- You shouldn't curse around the child. - Really? You shouldn't be around a child. [ELEVATOR BELL DINGS]
The Hangover
ALAN: Ow. - Oh, God. Oh, God, are you okay? ALAN: Yeah, I'm fine. - Alan, I'm sorry.
The Hangover
[SIGHS] It's not gonna be like that. Besides, you know how I feel about that. I know, I know. It's just boys and their bachelor parties, it's gross. You're right, it is gross. Mm-mm.