- Whatever. - It's funny, because just the other day... ...me and my boy, we was wondering why they even call them roofies. - You know what I'm talking about? - No. Don't know. Why not floories, right? Because when you take them... ...you're more likely to end up on the floor than the roof. What about groundies? That's a good new name for them. Or, how about rapies?
The Hangover
Let me ask you a question.
The Hangover
- I can't do it. PHIL: Get your fucking hand back in there... ...and steer the car. - I'm too nervous. STU: Alan. We need you, buddy. This is your time to shine, okay? Okay, yeah. Whew.
The Hangover
The Hangover
- What is the matter? MELISSA: I don't know. I hope you're not gonna go to some strip club when you're up there. STU: Melissa, we're going to Napa Valley. I don't even think they have strip clubs in wine country. Well, I'm sure if there is one, Phil will sniff it out.
The Hangover
- That was Mike Tyson. - Yeah, no shit that was Mike Tyson. I'm just saying, he's still got it.
The Hangover
You know, everyone says Mike Tyson is such a badass... ...but I think he's kind of a sweetheart. I think he's mean. All right. I think it's officially time we call Tracy. Hallelujah. Finally, Phil says something that makes sense. We don't have much of a choice. And maybe she's heard from Doug. That's what I been saying this whole time.
The Hangover
- Remember to put Armor All on the tires? - Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
The Hangover
MAN: All right, grab it from the other side. Is that the mattress from Doug's room?
The Hangover
And you know what else, honestly? Why would I risk this for, you know, a couple of minutes... ...of some 19-year-old hard body in a schoolgirl outfit?
The Hangover
Ah! [CHUCKLES] Except for herpes. That shit'll come back with you. [SCHOOL BELL RINGS] All right. Hold on. I still need some of your permission slips... ...and $90 for the field trip to the Griffith Observatory next weekend. Pay now, or forever regret missing out on the experience of a lifetime, guys. You're good, you got it. STUDENT: Thanks, Mr. Wenneck. PHIL: Thank you. Hey. You really came through, thank you.
The Hangover
STUDENT: Hold on, I got it. Ahem, do you have to park so close? - Yeah. What's wrong? - I shouldn't be here. Why is that, Alan? I'm not supposed to be within 200 feet of a school.
The Hangover
MELISSA: Don't forget your Rogaine.
The Hangover
He was a bartender on a cruise ship. You know that. Guys, I'm standing right here. So I can hear everything that you're saying. Hey, guys. You ready to let the dogs out? - What? - Do what? ALAN: Let the dogs out. You know. [SINGING "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT"] Who brought this guy? DOUG: Yes, Alan, we are ready to let the dogs out. - Hey, congrats. - Thank you.
The Hangover
- Highway robbery. - It's criminal.
The Hangover
Have you met Alan? Tracy's brother. Brother of the... Okay. Ow. That is disgusting. Why haven't you returned my calls?
The Hangover
Hey, guys. Look, free almonds. - Oh, no, no, no. Please put those back. - Wait, I'm just hungry. - Well, I know, but... - Stu, what the fuck? It's a pressure-sensitive plate. When you pick it up, you have 30 seconds to put it back... ...or they bill you. ALAN: That's pretty neat. STU: It may be neat, but it's also very expensive, so... Those almonds are probably, like, $14.