Why don't you just stop worrying for one minute? Be proud of yourself. I don't know, Phil. Maybe it's because I'm missing a tooth. Or maybe it's because there's a tiger in our hotel room... ...which, incidentally, is completely destroyed.
The Hangover
I got a question. Um, you said when your shift ended. Does that mean you're a nurse? Or a blackjack dealer?
The Hangover
That is awesome.
The Hangover
STU: Easy, Phil. - He's correct. My fault.
The Hangover
MAN: All right, grab it from the other side. Is that the mattress from Doug's room?
The Hangover
- What? - I'm sorry, I fudged up, guys.
The Hangover
The Hangover
I think the pit boss is watching him.
The Hangover
Oh, fuck!
The Hangover
You know what? He's not our good fr... We don't know him that well.
The Hangover
- Really? - Yeah. Well, we'll talk about it. But give me the 20 so I know you're serious. - Cool. Thanks, Mr. Wenneck. - Yeah.
The Hangover
Sorry, Alan. You know what? We'll search the car for clues and everything's gonna be okay. [CAR APPROACHING] PHIL: Oh, shit. I can't watch. Just tell me what it looks like.
The Hangover
- You know this. I'm a stripper. - Mm-hm. Well, technically I'm an escort, but stripping's a great way to meet the clients. - Smart. - Savvy. But that's all in the past, now that I married a doctor. I'm just a dentist.
The Hangover
...we're about to go for a tractor ride. PHIL: What the fuck? STU: I should get going. So pretty. MELISSA: A tractor ride? [BASEBALL BAT THUDS] - Go, out of the car! - What was that? They started up the tractor. I think it backfired. - Where the hell is he? PHIL: Hey, easy, easy. I think we're looking for the same guy, okay?
The Hangover
Oh, my God.
The Hangover
And you know what else, honestly? Why would I risk this for, you know, a couple of minutes... ...of some 19-year-old hard body in a schoolgirl outfit?
The Hangover
- You drugged us? - No, I didn't drug you. I was told it was ecstasy. Well, who told you it was ecstasy? The guy I bought it from at the liquor store. Why would you give us ecstasy? I wanted everybody to have a good time and I knew you guys wouldn't take it. It was just one hit each. I used to do three hits a night.