Tell me the truth, Frank. What are you doing here? What is a man like you doing with Brenda? If you want my blessing, if you want my daughter, I'd like to hear it from you now. The truth is, sir... The truth is that... I'm not a doctor, I'm not a lawyer. I'm not an airline pilot. I'm nothing, really. I'm just a kid who's in love with your daughter. No. You know what you are? You're a romantic. Men like us are nothing without the women we love. I must confess, I'm guilty of the same foolish whimsy. I proposed to Carol after five dates with two nickels in my pockets and holes in my shoes because I knew she was the one. So go ahead, Frank. Don't be afraid. Ask the question you came here to ask me. What would I have to do to take the bar here in New Orleans? No, the other question.
Catch Me If You Can
There you go. Work hard in school. Dear Dad, I've decided to become an airline pilot. I've applied to all the big airlines, and I have several promising interviews lined up.
Catch Me If You Can
There's two dozen French police officers out there right now on Christmas Eve? - That's what you're telling me? - Yeah. All right. There's no windows here.
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can
You know, I've got a little bit of a cold myself. Frank, I'm here to read the articles of extradition according to the European Court for Human Rights. "Article One, "extradition shall be granted in respect of offenses..." Help me.
Catch Me If You Can
Sixteen pages to go. Stay with me. "Article Two, "if the request for extradition includes separate offenses... "...each of which is punishable under the laws of the requesting party..." Frank?
Catch Me If You Can
Would that change anything? What?
Catch Me If You Can
It's okay, I've stayed in worse.
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can
You love me, right? I mean, you'd love me no matter what. You'd love me whether I was sick or poor, or if I had a different name. Frank, where did you get all that money? Brenda, listen. A name doesn't matter. My name is Frank Conners. That's who I am with you. But we all have secrets. Sometimes when I travel, I use the name Frank Taylor. That's my secret. Frank Taylor, you know. Frank Black. It doesn't matter.
Catch Me If You Can
How's your daughter? What was her name?
Catch Me If You Can
Thank you. Frank, have you decided which hospital you want to work at in New Orleans?