Don't leave me, honey. Honey, I'm really sorry. - I don't wanna die. But... - Neither did I, you selfish fuck. - No, I'm not like them. I'm not like them. - ♪ Tick, tick, tock ♪ I'm not like them. No, you made me better, honey. - And he's not taking me. - ♪ Hasten off into the black ♪ Right? I get a do-over, sweetie. And that's because of you. Yeah? Sweetie?
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- I need, I need you to... - I can't. If you barf, I'll barf.
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Get in and don't come out. Daniel, I'm scared.
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You know, it's almost as if someone's watching over us. It all began with a very generous benefactor. And this box.
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Straight and then, um, kitchen. To the kitchen. Good. Good. Hey. Hey.
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I'm giving you an out.
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You fucking leave her alone! You understand me? - Alex! - That's my wife! Hey.
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Point the weapon away from you.
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Is Grace?
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You're everything to me, and I promise you I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? All right? So just listen to me. You just need to go straight down this hallway until you get to the service kitchen. I'm gonna go down to the security room. I'm gonna unlock all the doors. I'm gonna unlock all the doors. - No. Don't fucking leave me. - Then you just fucking run. I have to. Honey, I have to.