- You're hurting me. - She's in here! No, please, no, no! Please! Let me go!
Ready or Not
Don't leave me, honey. Honey, I'm really sorry. - I don't wanna die. But... - Neither did I, you selfish fuck. - No, I'm not like them. I'm not like them. - ♪ Tick, tick, tock ♪ I'm not like them. No, you made me better, honey. - And he's not taking me. - ♪ Hasten off into the black ♪ Right? I get a do-over, sweetie. And that's because of you. Yeah? Sweetie?
Ready or Not
Thank you for calling Trip Safe. Please stay on the line and you'll be connected to the next available representative. Good evening. This is Justin. Your call may be monitored... People are trying to kill me. Can you please help me? Uh, yes, I can help you with that. Um, do you need medical assistance, or... Can you call the police, please? Yes. I'd be happy to help you with that.
Ready or Not
Move your ass! I'm carrying the heavy part, Father. Years of alcohol and drug abuse have taken a toll.
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I know it is too late.
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What did you give us? Stuff we poured on the maids. White bottle, little red cap. Hydrochloric acid!
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Cock! I forgot my gun.
Ready or Not
And we all deserve to die.
Ready or Not
Ready or Not
She must've gone into the woods. But don't worry, sir, she won't get far. I'll find her. And I'll fix the fence tomorrow.
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I know it's ridiculous. It's just a weird family ritual. And we only have to do it once. All right? Okay.
Ready or Not
Am I really supposed to know how to use this thing?