Ten! This is it! Teddy! Teddy! Teddy! Look out, look out.
The Hangover Part II
- Thanks, man. - All right, let's do this. Come on. Come on, come on. Doug, we found him. Yeah! I know, I know, but we're on our way. Okay, bye. All right, guests are arriving, people are starting to ask questions... but we can still pull this off. - How? - I don't know. Like, a taxi? - Chow's speedboat. - What? Last thing I remember was getting off Chow's speedboat. Chow has a speedboat? The Perfect Life.
The Hangover Part II
Look, I'm sorry. We're just having a bad day. Oh, you having a bad day? Did you die?
The Hangover Part II
I lose everything.
The Hangover Part II
Affirmative, cadet. We're going south, through the Gulf of Thailand. Ha, ha. Good.
The Hangover Part II
- Yes, I have his paperwork here. - Okay. - He has been cleared. - Sounds good. - Of course. - Thank you. We're good, we're good. They're processing for release.
The Hangover Part II
You're really happy, huh?
The Hangover Part II
He doesn't hate me. He's just never spoken to me. I think it's a cultural thing. Why can't you get married in Vegas like last time? So much easier. Why can't you just be excited for me? This is my wedding.
The Hangover Part II
Fillings look pretty good. Any other problems?
The Hangover Part II
You really need to floss more. Fuck that. That's why I come here. Then you should come more than once every two years. - So you could bleed me of all my money? - I never charge you a dime, Phil. - Hey, how do I work the nitrous? - Uh, you don't, actually. Come on. Just one hit.
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover Part II
Little worse than that.
The Hangover Part II
I looked into his eyes. Not the eyes of a man. The eyes of a coward.
The Hangover Part II
Daddy, please. You're not helping.
The Hangover Part II
And you know what the glue is? Lauren. And I'm not doing anything to screw that up. - You wouldn't be with her if it wasn't for us. - Oh, this'll be good. Stu, think about it. You ended up ditching Melissa. Two years later, you met your true soul mate. You take Vegas out of that equation, you would have married a cunt. It's okay. I'm allowed to say it. It's a bachelor party. Drink up, everybody. Wait, there's no alcohol. I forgot, we're at a fucking IHOP. Well, it's my decision and it's final, so how about a toast? - This sucks. I'm gonna wait in the car. - Come on, Phil. Where you going? I just don't get it. He's getting married in Thailand. That's great for him, but what about us? You're just selfish.