- Hey, Phil, what about my dad's car? - I'm sure Doug has it. We'll get it back. Then I vote we torch the cop car and all this shit with it.
The Hangover
- These mugs. This hat. This car. - Hey! It's all evidence of a night that never happened. That is why we're torching all of it. Whoa, I'm a schoolteacher, I got a family, okay? I'm all for secrecy, but I'm not gonna torch a cop car. - Fine. I'll do it. - Can I help? - Yeah, thanks. - And how exactly are you gonna do that? Easy. You just pour kerosene over a ferret, light it on both ends, put it in. They're attracted to the gas lines. - What? A ferret? - Yeah. Yeah. Or a tamed raccoon, but it's a lot of trouble. ALAN: If you wanna... - Does it matter if it's tamed? Yeah, because if it's untamed, it won't take the kerosene as well. [CELL PHONE RINGING] PHIL: Is it Doug? - I don't have it. PHIL: It's Doug, it's Doug. Uh, it's Melissa. - Don't answer. - I have to. She's called twice already! - Can I ride shotgun? PHIL: Don't touch me. Hey, sweetheart, how are you? There you are. This is the third time I'm trying you. I know. The reception up here's crazy. I think it's all the sequoia trees, block the signal. Ugh, I hate that. So how was it last night? Ah, it was really fun, actually. It was quiet, but it was a good time.
The Hangover
Okay, Felix, you can put your robe on. And the nurse will be in here in a minute. I'll see you after the weekend. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, doctor.
The Hangover
The Hangover
Tracy did mention that we shouldn't let him gamble. Or drink too much. Jesus, he's like a gremlin. Comes with instructions and shit. STU: And one water.
The Hangover
Thank you, guys. Or should I say, "Thank you, Stu"? You're welcome. It's only because I love you.
The Hangover
I'll tell you one thing, you look seriously happy here, man.
The Hangover
- Here's your car, officers. - Oh, God. All right, everybody act cool. All right, don't say a word. Come on, let's just get in and go. Come on.
The Hangover
The Hangover
There you go. That's the stuff. I like the intensity.
The Hangover
The Hangover
I don't know what to say. Thanks for the bachelor party, I guess?
The Hangover
That's it. Shut up, bitches.
The Hangover
- Doug's in the car! Doug's in the car! - Doug, it's okay! You chill out, goatee!