Hey, my hat! Wait, where's Buzz? Lotso did something to him! He thinks he's a real Space Ranger again. - Oh, no. - Oh, yes. Return of the astro-nut.
Toy Story 3
Wait. I 'll do anything! I 'll change your diapers!
Toy Story 3
This doesn't make any sense. I should have seen this coming. It's Emily all over again. - Sarge was right. - Yeah, and Woody was wrong. Wait a minute. Wait, hold on. This is no time to be hysterical. It's the perfect time to be hysterical. - Should we be hysterical? - No! - Yes! - Maybe! But not right now!
Toy Story 3
You're not a toy! You're an accessory! You're a purse with legs. Take him back to the box.
Toy Story 3
Somebody's poisoned the water hole.
Toy Story 3
Woody! What did you do to him?
Toy Story 3
Way to go, Buzz. Come on.
Toy Story 3
"I know where to hide."
Toy Story 3
We're almost there.
Toy Story 3
Mom! No, no, no. Just keep playing. Just pretend I 'm not here. Oh, no, Molly! No, it's okay, Mom. It's a 50-foot baby from outer space. And she's on a rampage. Run for your lives! Buster, get out of there. Does the red light mean it's going?
Toy Story 3
All right, guys. We got one shot at this. Everyone ready? We're ready, Woody. Let's do it! Okay, Buzz. Make the call.
Toy Story 3
Target is on approach. Just like we rehearsed it, guys.