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Ken? What's goin' on here? Why is this toy tied up?
Toy Story 3
- Woody? You okay? - Yeah.
Toy Story 3
This is just sad. Who we kiddin'? The kid 's 17 years old. We ain't ever gettin' played with.
Toy Story 3
- Rex? - Come to papa.
Toy Story 3
- He's gone! - Holy cow.
Toy Story 3
What the heck?
Toy Story 3
Molly, out of my room! Three more days and it's mine! Molly, you're not off the hook either. You have more toys than you know what to do with.
Toy Story 3
"I came as fast as I could. Buzz, behind you!" "Got it, Woody."
Toy Story 3
- Thank you. - Don't thank me yet. Woody!
Toy Story 3
Lightyear! Explain our overnight accommodations.
Toy Story 3
Bring in the Bookworm.
Toy Story 3
You think you're special, cowboy?
Toy Story 3
Some of them could make other kids really happy. What kids? The children at the daycare. They're always asking for donations.
Toy Story 3
How y'all doin' this fine evenin'?
Toy Story 3
Yeah, but not too much fun.
Toy Story 3
He's looking in the attic. Wait, there's Mom. Why is he so upset?
Toy Story 3