Buzz! We're your friends! Spare me your lies, temptress. Your emperor's defeated, and I 'm immune to your bewitching good looks. Hey, Mongo! Keep your paws off my wife! Hey! Let go of me, you drooling doofus! Not him. I think this potato needs to learn himself some manners. Take him to the box. Hey! Put me down, you moron! Where are you taking me? Bad baby! Bad baby! Ken? What's going on?
Toy Story 3
Why don't you come meet our new friends?
Toy Story 3
Look at you all. You've been through a lot today, haven't ya? It's been horrible. Well, you're safe now. We're all castoffs here. We been dumped, donated, yard-saled, secondhanded and just plain thrown out. But just you wait, you'll find being donated was the best thing that ever happened to ya.
Toy Story 3
All good toys who've gone on to new owners. But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning, Andy held on to us!
Toy Story 3
Hello? Anyone there?
Toy Story 3
Sure thing.
Toy Story 3
It's locked!
Toy Story 3
Oh, no! Dr. Pork Chop's attacking the haunted bakery! The ghosts are getting away. Woody'll stop 'em! Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
Toy Story 3
Come on, Buzz!
Toy Story 3
You lost, little doggie?
Toy Story 3
It was cold and dark. Nothing but sand and a couple of Lincoln Logs. I don't think those were Lincoln Logs. You all get ready. You got a play-date with destiny!
Toy Story 3
Hold on, we're going in!
Toy Story 3
I can't breathe! - This can't be happening! - Quiet! What's that sound?
Toy Story 3
Folks, if I can share, here at Sunnyside, we've got, well, just about anything a toy could ask for. Spare parts, superglue, and enough fresh batteries to choke a Hungry Hungry Hippo.
Toy Story 3
- Well, actually... - 'Course he's not, pea brain. - He don't even have a hat. - I do too have... My hat! - Told ya. - I found a spaceship!
Toy Story 3
- Welcome to the club, toots. - Okay, everyone, listen up. We can get back to Andy's, but we gotta move fast. We'll hide under the seats till we get back home. Get it through your vinyl noggin, Woody. Andy doesn't want us anymore.
Toy Story 3
Sounds like kids to me. I want to get played with. Why can't time go faster? How many you reckon are out there? They sound so sweet.