He was putting you in the attic! He left us on the curb! - All right, calm down! Both of you! - Okay, fine. Fine. Just wait till you see what daycare's like. - Why? What's it like? - Daycare is a sad, lonely place for washed-up old toys who have no owners.
Toy Story 3
Welcome to Sunnyside, folks. I 'm Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear.
Toy Story 3
Thank you. May I?
Toy Story 3
I can't see!
Toy Story 3
And this, well, this is where I live. It's Ken's Dream House. It has a disco, it's got a dune buggy. And a whole room just for trying on clothes. You have everything! Everything except someone to share it with.
Toy Story 3
Ken? Where is that boy? Ken? New toys! Far out! Down in a jiff, Lotso. So, who's ready for Ken's dream tour? Let's show our new friends where they'll be staying. Folks, if you want to step right this way...
Toy Story 3
Watch out for puddles.
Toy Story 3
Now, I 'm going home. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome. Come on, Buzz. Buzz? Our mission with Andy is complete, Woody. What? And what's important now is we stay together. We wouldn't even be together if it weren't for Andy! Look under your boot, Buzz. You, too, Jessie. Whose name is written there? Maybe Andy doesn't care about us anymore.
Toy Story 3
- Think you're gettin' old? - Wow. Well, stop your worryin'. Our repair spa will keep you stuffed, puffed, and lightly buffed.
Toy Story 3
What the... Hey, little guy. How long 's it been since you all got played with? It's been years.
Toy Story 3
It's so beautiful!
Toy Story 3
Barbie, come with me. Live in my dream house. I know it's crazy. I know we just met. Heck, you don't know me from G.I. Joe, but when I look at you, I feel like we were... - Made for each other. ...made for each other.
Toy Story 3
It's gonna be okay, Bullseye. Woody's going to college with Andy. It's what he's always wanted. He's crazy. College is no place for a toy. Toys are for playtime.
Toy Story 3
- Yay! - Yes. - Ken? - Coming, Lotso.
Toy Story 3
You're my favorite deputy.
Toy Story 3
Ken, let's get a move on.
Toy Story 3
- Bonnie! - Coming!
Toy Story 3
Of course he does. He cares about all of you! He was putting you in the attic. I saw. You can't just turn your back on him now! Woody, wake up! It's over! Andy is all grown up! Okay, fine. Perfect. I can't believe how selfish you all are. So this is it? After all we've been through. Bullseye, no. You need to stay. Bullseye, no, I said, "Stay!" Look, I don't want you left alone in the attic, okay? Now, stay. Bonnie? I gotta go. Bonnie, you in here?