Colin's really nice. He's into maggot rock. He wears nail polish. My dick is bigger than his. I think he's really cool. You do? Yeah.
Jennifer's Body
Well, those J.V. tactics won't work against me. I'm a kicker. K- I-C-K-E-R. It even says so on my chart.
Jennifer's Body
I think I get more letters than Santa Claus, Zac Efron and Dr. Phil combined.
Jennifer's Body
Welcome to the Mental Olympics. They're big on recreation here. Supposedly, it helps us vent our aggressions.
Jennifer's Body
But we always share your bed when we have slumber parties.
Jennifer's Body
Every day I get letters.
Jennifer's Body
So are you gonna come over tonight? Sure, I'd like that. I went to SuperTarget and picked up more condoms, so� Thanks. Not that that has anything to do with� Oh, no, I didn't assume that. Well, I'm� Okay. I'll see you tonight then.
Jennifer's Body
It's just wearing off or something. What's wearing off?
Jennifer's Body
We're talkin' about butt. We're talkin' about legs. We're talking about virtually no impact. This should sell for 14.95.
Jennifer's Body
"Devil's Kettle" sounds twisted, I know, but the place is just named after a waterfall.
Jennifer's Body
Wait. Colin.
Jennifer's Body
Fatalities have grown in a horrific fire... that destroyed a popular local nightclub... in Devil's Kettle last night.
Jennifer's Body
Yeah? I feel so scrumptious! Goody for you. You know when you kiss a boy for the first time, and it feels like your entire body is on vibrate?
Jennifer's Body
Hello, Needy. Hi. Jennifer. Hi, Colin. Can I borrow your English homework again? I forgot to read Hamlet. Is he gonna fuck his mom? No� I don't� I don't� I don't think so. Um, I actually wanted to ask you something. You wanna know if I'll go out with you? No! Yeah. What? I� - I don't g� How'd you know? - Just go ahead with the pitch.
Jennifer's Body
Mmm. Hi, Chip. Hey, hey. Ugh. Get a room. So, talking to your mysterious pal Colin Gray again. No. He was asking Jennifer out on a date. That's weird.
Jennifer's Body
Just one Toast 'Em, huh? I like Toast 'Ems. Well, that's good. But I'm not sure a Toast 'Em can provide sufficient energy during your day. I recommend more complex carbo� - No, she didn't! - I recommend you shut the fuck up! All right.
Jennifer's Body
Forget it. He's seminal, but whatever. Anyway, this singer guy, Jennifer says he's extra salty, so- Salty. Salty means beautiful. Well, then you must be soy sauce, babe.