More coffee, sir? - Are you a collector? - Of what? Captives of the Cosmic Ray, The Big Freeze, Land of the Golden Giants. - I've got them all. - What are you talking about? Barry Allen. The Flash. Wait, kid. You mean, like the comic book? Yeah, the comic book. When he's not The Flash, that's his name, Barry Allen. Thank you. Now get this, he reads comic books! Comic books! Barry Allen is The Flash! Carl, slow down. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. He's a kid. Our unsub is a kid. That's why we couldn't match his prints, that's why he doesn't have a record. I want you to contact NYPD for every all-points juvenile runaways in New York City. Don't forget the airports. He's been kiting checks all over the country. - Why New York? - The Yankees! He said something about the Yankees!
Catch Me If You Can
Hello, Pussy.
Catch Me If You Can
How much did these cards cost?
Catch Me If You Can
Do you have a pen in your room?
Catch Me If You Can
He buys a deck of cards at the hotel gift shop.
Catch Me If You Can
You're that model, right? Cheryl.
Catch Me If You Can
$1,000. Okay.
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can
Is Frankie okay?
Catch Me If You Can
No. No family.
Catch Me If You Can
Where are we on the list? Number 53, Abagnale.
Catch Me If You Can
Go fish.
Catch Me If You Can
Go fish!
Catch Me If You Can
A man like you can buy anything he wants.
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can
I'll be right back.
Catch Me If You Can
Isn't that your silver car I saw parked out front?
Catch Me If You Can
You want to talk to me? Let's talk face to face. All right. I'm at my suite at the Stuyvesant Arms, room 3113. In the morning, I leave for Las Vegas for the weekend. You think you're going to get me again? You're not going to Vegas, you're not in the Stuyvesant Arms. You'd love for me to send out 20 agents, Christmas Eve, barge into your hotel, knock down the door so you can make fools out of us all. I'm really sorry if I made a fool out of you. I really am. No. You do not feel sorry for me. The truth is, I knew it was you. I didn't get the cuffs on you, but I knew. People only know what you tell them, Carl. Then tell me this, Barry Allen, Secret Service. How did you know I wouldn't look in your wallet? The same reason the Yankees always win. Nobody can keep their eyes off the pinstripes. The Yankees win because they have Mickey Mantle. No one ever bets on the uniform. You sure about that, Carl? I'll tell you what I am sure of. You're going to get caught. One way or another, it's a mathematical fact. It's like Vegas. The house always wins. Well, Carl, I'm sorry, but I have to go. You didn't call just to apologize, did you? What do you mean? You have no one else to call.