It doesn't matter. I'm the Joker. Take a look at the new guy. Guess they'll just let anybody in here. Oh, no, no, no. I'm very bad, too. They just showed a video montage... - Boring! - What? - You're boring. - He looks delicious. Let's eat this guy.
The Lego Batman Movie
You're our hero, Batman! I love my life. Computer. Go ahead. - Are we near the orphanage? - Yes. Great. Let's turn those frowns upside down.
The Lego Batman Movie
I knew you'd say that. - No, you didn't! - No, you didn't! And I knew you'd say that! See? We aren't so different, I and you. - It's, "you and I!" - It's, "you and I!"
The Lego Batman Movie
Of myself. For being such a good teacher, obviously.
The Lego Batman Movie
I wanted to be as strong and as fast and as smart as Batman.
And tying up loose ends. We're coming for you, Gotham City! Like this snake clowns bit. - Snake clowns? - Told you they were real. Did you stick wigs onto snakes? - Maybe. - That is so weird.