But they won't fear it until they understand it, and they won't understand it until they've used it. When the world learns the terrible secret of Los Alamos, our work here will ensure a peace mankind has never seen. A peace based on the kind of international cooperation that Roosevelt always envisaged. (scattered applause)
Are you saying we'll have to delay? I'm saying it would be prudent. This weather, has it reached the site? (tense music playing) (thunder rumbling) (telephone ringing) Bethe is calling to tell you the implosion test failed. ROBERT: Hello, Hans. Yes, he's here.
It's been a long road. GROVES: I think one of the wisest things I ever did was when I selected the director of Los Alamos. - (cheering) - (car horns honking) TRUMAN: We have spent more than $2 billion on the greatest scientific gamble in history, and we have won. (cheering)