My brother has had Gracchus arrested. We daren't wait any longer. We must leave tonight. Proximo will come at midnight and take you to the gate. Your servant, Cicero, will be waiting there with horses. You have done all this? Yes. You risk too much.
We've been reading about the great Mark Antony and his adventures in Egypt. And the queen killed herself with a snake. And just wait until you hear what happened to our ancestors. If you're very good, tomorrow night I'll tell you the story of Emperor Claudius.
My brother has had Gracchus arrested. We daren't wait any longer. We must leave tonight. Proximo will come at midnight and take you to the gate. Your servant, Cicero, will be waiting there with horses. You have done all this? Yes. You risk too much.
You see, Lucius, sometimes royal ladies... behave very strangely and do very odd things in the name of love. I think it's silly. So do I.
I've been reading to dear Lucius. I've been reading, too. Yes. He's a very clever little boy. He'll make a grand emperor one day.
She couldn't. She did. She took it from a basket... and pressed it to her breast, right here above her heart.