How's it feel to be the most famous man in the world?
In exactly one hour, 58 minutes, we'll know.
Mr. Strauss, there are things in my past you ought to be aware of. Well, as chairman of the AEC, I have access to your security file. I've read it. - You're not worried? - No. Why would I be worried after everything you've done for your country? Well, times change, Mr. Strauss. Well, the purpose of this institute is to provide a haven for independent minds.
And the Hanford plant made this much plutonium.
Well, here we are. Catch me up. What do we know? One of our B-29s over the North Pacific has detected radiation. Do we have the filter papers? There's no doubt what this is. White House says there's a doubt. Wishful thinking, I'm afraid. Are those the long-range detection filter papers?
And if the truth is catastrophic? Then you stop. And you share your findings with the Nazis. So neither side destroys the world.
There's a way to balance these things. Keep the Rad Lab here at Berkeley under Lawrence. Met Lab in Chicago, under Szilard. Large-scale refining, where did you say? Tennessee. - And Hanford. - And Hanford. All America's industrial might and scientific innovation, connected by rail. Focused on one goal. One point in space and time. And it comes together here. A secret laboratory. In the middle of nowhere, secure, self-sufficient, equipment, housing, the works. Keep everyone there until it's done. It'll need a school, stores, a church. Why? ROBERT: If we don't let scientists bring their families, we'll never get the best. You want security, build a town, build it fast. Where?
(brooding music playing) After the truth about Fuchs came out, the FBI stepped up surveillance on him. He knew his phone was tapped, he was followed everywhere... his trash picked through.
ROBB: You insisted on bringing on your brother Frank, - a known Communist. - A former Communist. You brought a known former Communist onto America's most secret and important defense project. I knew my brother could be trusted. Absolutely. And you felt your judgment was sound on who on the team could be trusted?
I just wish we had it in time to use against the Germans.
- I don't know. - The Nazis have them. - Niels Bohr's in Copenhagen. - Under Nazi occupation. Did they stop printing newspapers in Princeton? Why would we go to the middle of nowhere for who knows how long? (chuckling) For a year or two. Or three.
Experimental, Theoretical, Metallurgical, Ordnance. Who's running Theoretical? ROBERT: I am. RABI: That's what I was afraid of. You're spread too thin.
(door shuts) They are not gonna let me onto this project. And failing a security check is not gonna be good for a career, even after the war. So you're a fellow traveler. So what? This is a national emergency. I've got some skeletons, they put me in charge. They need us. Until they don't.
Can a distinction be made between Soviet Communism and Communism? Well, in the days when I was a member, I thought they were definitely two things. - Oh? - I thought that the Communist Party of the United States was concerned with our domestic problems. I now no longer believe this. Believe the whole thing's linked together and spread all over the world, and I have believed this since I left the Party 16 years ago. - But... - Seventeen years ago. My mistake. - But you said... - Sorry, 18. Eighteen years ago.
Read this. Well, in this part, Vishnu reveals his multi-armed self... No.