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Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
RICK: A witch.
Suicide Squad
Waller, we're almost there. RICK: So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. JUNE: Enchantress.
Suicide Squad
Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station.
Suicide Squad
You tell everybody everything.
Suicide Squad
You know, 'cause why wouldn't we?
Suicide Squad
And, uh, for two sweet seconds...
Suicide Squad
I trusted Flag.
Suicide Squad
(SIGHS) I actually prefer to think of myself as an asset relocation specialist.
Suicide Squad
Bitch, I'm having a drink.
Suicide Squad
You had hope, huh?
Suicide Squad
You get to the part in that binder saying I was sleeping with her? Yeah.
Suicide Squad
You had letters from my daughter the whole time?
Suicide Squad
(GROWLS) He's ugly on the outside, too. Not me, shorty.
Suicide Squad
Desire, mutual benefit, whatever.
Suicide Squad