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Where the fuck are you going, man? Take the ringer, I'll drive. The what? The ringer. The ringer, Dude.

The Big Lebowski

Mr. Lebowski, this is Mel Zelnicker of the Southern Cal Bowling League. I just got an informal report that a member of your team, a Walter Sobchak, drew a firearm during league play. If this is true, of course, it contravenes a number of the league's bylaws and also article 27 of the league...

The Big Lebowski

Just a friend of Maudie's. Yeah? The friend with the cleft asshole?

The Big Lebowski

Much obliged. "Sometimes the bear, well, he eats you."

The Big Lebowski


The Big Lebowski

And was there anything of value in the car? Oh, yeah. A tape deck, some Creedence tapes, and there was a... My briefcase. In the briefcase? Papers. Just papers. You know, my papers, business papers. And what do you do, sir? I'm unemployed.

The Big Lebowski

You just tell him... Tell him we made the drop and everything went, you know... Oh, yeah. How'd it go? Went all right. Dude's car got a little dinged up. Walter, we didn't make the fucking hand-off, man! They didn't get the fucking money! And they're gonna... They're gonna... They're gonna kill that poor woman. They're gonna kill that poor woman! Walter, if you can't ride in a car, then how do you get around on shabbos? Really, Dude, you surprise me. They're not gonna kill shit. They're not gonna do shit. What can they do to her? Bunch of fucking amateurs. And meanwhile, look at the bottom line. Who's sitting on a million fucking dollars? Am I wrong? Walter. V\Iho's got a fucking million fucking dollars sitting in the trunk of our oar? Our car, Walter? And what do they got? My dirty undies. My fucking whites! SaY,Dude? Where is your car? Who's got your undies, Walter? Where's your car, Dude? You don't know, Walter? It was parked in a handicap zone. Perhaps they towed it. You fucking know it's been stolen. Well, certainly that's a possibility, Dude. Oh, fuck it. Where you going, Dude? I'm going home, Donny. Phone's ringing, Dude. Thank you, Donny!

The Big Lebowski

Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski? Is that what this is a picture of? In a sense, yes. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal, which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina. Oh, yeah? Yes, they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say, whereas without batting an eye, a man will refer to his dick, or his rod or his johnson. "Johnson"? All right, Mr. Lebowski, let's get down to cases. My father told me he agreed to let you have the rug, but as it was a gift from me to my late mother, it was not his to give. Now, your face.

The Big Lebowski

I see you rolled your way into the semis. Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we're gonna fuck you up. Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like your opinion, man. Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you and stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger till it goes click. Jesus. You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus. Eight-year-olds, Dude.

The Big Lebowski

Hi. Hello. Mein dispatcher says there is something wrong with dein Kabel. Yeah. Come on in. I'm not really sure exactly what's really wrong with the cable. That's why they sent me. I am an expert. The TV's in here. You recognize her, of course. Helga, bring my tools- That's my friend Sherry. She just came over to use the shower. The story is ludicrous. My name is Karl. lch bin expert. You must be here to fix the cable. Lord, you can imagine where it goes from here. He fixes the cable? Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey. Little matter to me that this woman chose to pursue a career in pornography, nor that she has been banging Jackie Treehorn, to use the parlance of our times. However, I am one of the two trustees of the Lebowski Foundation, the other being my father. The foundation takes youngsters from Watts and... Shit, yeah. The achievers. Little Lebowski Urban Achievers, yes, and proud we are of all of them. I asked my father about his withdrawal of $1 million from the foundation aooount, and he told me about this abduction, but I tell you it is preposterous. This compulsive fornicator is taking my father for the proverbial ride. Yeah, but my... I'm getting to your rug. My father and I don't get along. He doesn't approve of my lifestyle and, needless to say, I don't approve of his. However, I hardly wish to make my father's embezzlement a police matter. So I'm proposing that you try to recover the money from the people you delivered it to. Well, I could do that. If you successfully do so, I will compensate you to the tune of 10% of the recovered sum. A hundred... Thousand. Yes. Bones or clams or whatever you call them. Yeah, but what about my... Your rug, yes. Well, with that money you can buy any number of rugs that don't have sentimental value for me. And I am sorry about that crack on the jaw. Oh, that's fine. That doesn't even... Here's the name and number of a doctor who will look at it for you. You will receive no bill. He's a good man and thorough. That's thoughtful but... Please see him, Jeffrey. He's a good man and thorough.

The Big Lebowski

What makes a man, Mr. Lebowski? Dude. Huh? Oh, I don't know, sir. Is it being prepared to do the right thing, whatever the cost? Isn't that what makes a man? Sure, that and a pair of testicles.

The Big Lebowski

I can look back on a life of achievement, challenges met, competitors bested, obstacles overcome.

The Big Lebowski

...serious infraction and examine your standing. Thank you.

The Big Lebowski

She is the light of my life.

The Big Lebowski

I'll be there, man.

The Big Lebowski

You're joking, but perhaps you're right. You mind if I do a Jay?

The Big Lebowski

You know, should be a piece of cake. I mean, I had an M16, Jacko, not an Abrams fucking tank. Me and Charlie, eyeball to eyeball. Yeah. That's fucking combat. The man in the black pajamas, Dude. Worthy fucking adversary. Who's in pajamas, Walter? Shut the fuck up, Donny. Whereas what we have here, a bunch of fig eaters wearing towels on their head, trying to find reverse on a Soviet tank.

The Big Lebowski

Compeers. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, I get it. Fuck off, Da Fino. And stay away from my special... From my fucking lady friend, man!

The Big Lebowski