Found 704 results
Bring me your hack for a six-month overhaul. - Negative. - A.S.A.P.
The Fifth Element
Staedert, do you hear me?
The Fifth Element
To quit is my goal.
The Fifth Element
I'm tryin'.
The Fifth Element
Hey, dog brain, Finger here. Hi, sweetie. I love you too. You haven't called me that since basic training.
The Fifth Element
I don't want an incident. Do you hear me? Get out of there. Can you hear me, Staedert? Do you understand? Listen. That's an order.
The Fifth Element
What? Picture of you. - How do I look? - Like shit. Must be an old picture.
The Fifth Element
Do you understand me? Do you hear me? Get out of there! Good God!
The Fifth Element
The perfect one. It don't exist, Major. Yeah, I know.
The Fifth Element
All right, I'm up. God.
The Fifth Element
I just want one.
The Fifth Element
I'm up.
The Fifth Element
Please enter your license. Yes, just a minute.
The Fifth Element
The planet has increased diameter by 200%. It's moving toward the ship.
The Fifth Element
What do we have that's bigger than 240? Nothing, sir.
The Fifth Element
What happened? - Did you destroy it? - I'm about to.
The Fifth Element
What happened? Can you hear me?
The Fifth Element
Get out of there.
The Fifth Element