Silberman cracks me up. Last week, a guy burned his Afghan. - He screwed it first... - Ed, shut up. Why didn't the computer just kill Connor then? Why this elaborate scheme with the Terminator? It had no choice. Their defence grid was smashed. We'd won. Taking out Connor then would make no difference. Skynet had to wipe out his entire existence. Is that when you captured the lab complex and found... What is it called? The time displacement equipment? That's right. The Terminator had already gone through. Connor sent me to intercept and they blew the whole place. Well, how are you supposed to get back? I can't. Nobody goes home. Nobody else comes through. It's just him and me. It's just him and me.
The Terminator
You're talking about things I haven't done yet in the past tense. It's driving me crazy.
The Terminator
It's a good field dressing. You like it? It's my first.
The Terminator
OK. OK, here's the number. - You ready? - Yes. Go ahead. It's 408 555 1439. Room nine. - Got it? - I've got it. I gotta go. I'm sorry I can't tell you more right now. I love you, Mom. I love you, too, sweetheart.
The Terminator
Get out of the car.
The Terminator
Jesus. See? It passed right through the meat. This is gonna make me puke. - Would you just talk about something? - What? I don't know. Anything. Just talk. Tell me about my son.
The Terminator
Is this enough? Yeah, it's enough. I don't wanna ask where you got it.
The Terminator
Sarah. Sarah, try to drink some of this.
The Terminator
Maybe it'll help if... you know that in the few hours that we had together, we loved a lifetime's worth.
The Terminator
Stay here.
The Terminator
Mothballs... corn syrup... ammonia. What's for dinner? - Plastique. - That sounds good. What is it? It's a nitroglycerin base. It's a bit more stable. I learned to make it when I was a kid.
The Terminator
- You cold? - Freezing. Reese?
The Terminator
Sarah Connor? It's Lieutenant Traxler. Don't put me on hold. Don't transfer me to another department. I won't. Can you tell me where you are? - I'm in this bar called Tech Noir. - I know it. It's on Pico. - Are you all right? - Yeah, but I don't wanna leave. - I think there's a guy following me. - Now, listen carefully. You're in a public place so you'll be safe. Stay visible. Don't go outside. - I'll have a car there in a minute. - OK.
The Terminator
- We gotta get you to a doctor. - It's OK. Forget it. What do you mean, forget it? Are you crazy? Take this off.
The Terminator
- You mean you got shot? - It's not bad.
The Terminator
All right. Let's get this off the road.
The Terminator
Listen, are you sure it's them? I mean, maybe I should look at the bodies. No. They've been identified and there's no doubt.
The Terminator
You'll be perfectly safe. We got 30 cops in this building.