There's been another screw-up. Lomanitz just got drafted. - We are at war, Doctor. - Don't be an asshole, Nichols. We need this kid. Fix it, will you? It wasn't a mistake. Your friend Lomanitz has been trying to unionize the Radiation Lab. He promised to quit all that. Well, he hasn't. Security officer at Berkeley's concerned about Communist infiltration through that union, - the F.A... - F.A.E.C.T.
LAWRENCE: Greetings from Berkeley. I am here to update you on our progress and solicit your input. To do so, I am going to have to share a few things that General Groves told me not to. Sorry, General, I said I understood, not that I agreed. - (laughter) - 'Kay. Gentlemen, to business. There were rumors of espionage at Los Alamos. ROBERT: Unsubstantiated. Unsubstantiated. STRAUSS: I'm told that there were Communists on the project. We didn't knowingly employ any Communists. I just want to know, were any of them involved in discussions of the Super? I seem to remember you demanding your brother come to Los Alamos. My brother had left the Party by then. What about Lomanitz? Lomanitz was never employed at Los Alamos. He was a liaison. Our security was tight, as former Colonel Nichols well knows. Our security was as tight as it could be given the personalities involved, but attempts were made. What is that supposed to mean? We've all read his file here.
It's important you not maintain or renew any questionable associations.
What about the Super? Does Truman even know about it? Did we brief him on that? Not specifically. ROBERT: We still don't know if a hydrogen bomb's technically feasible. Right, my understanding is that Teller proposed it? - ROBERT: Yes. - At Los Alamos? Teller's designs have always been wildly impractical. You'd have to deliver by ox cart. - Not airplane. - LAWRENCE: Oppie. I'm sorry, Dr. Lawrence, you want to comment?
Not a word. What did you think that would do to me?
Your Q clearance came through.
ROBB: You said in your statement that you had to see Jean Tatlock in 1943.
I can make the last train back to Princeton. Kitty, I didn't say anything that I hadn't already told you. Today you said it to history, didn't you? This is a closed hearing.
(dramatic music playing)
I was just kidding. (chuckles) - No, he hates me, not America. - You know, General, not everyone has levers to pull like mine. I don't think I understand. You didn't hire me despite my left-wing past. You hired me because of it.
The views I have to express are my own, but I believe that much I have to say will help to indicate why most of the scientists in this country would prefer to see Mr. Strauss completely out of government. (murmurs of surprise) You're... You're referring to the hostility of certain scientists directed toward Mr. Strauss because of his commitment to security as demonstrated in the Oppenheimer affair?
Did you read this crap in the papers? A British physicist is saying the atomic bombings were not the last act of World War II but the first act of this cold war with Russia. Which physicist? I think you knew him. Patrick Blackett.
Dr. Oppenheimer.
I'd rather be here for you as you need. But you have other priorities now. I have a wife and child.
When Eisenhower took office, he saw one more chance.
MARSHALL: If a Russian bomb is inevitable, perhaps we should invite their top scientists to Trinity. President Truman has no intention of raising expectations that Stalin be included in the atomic project. Informing him of our breakthrough and presenting it as a means to win the war need not make unkeepable promises. But the Potsdam peace conference in July will be President Truman's last chance to have that conversation. Can you give us a working bomb by then?
(tense music building)
As far as I know. As far as I know, yes. But there-there may have been more than one person involved.