Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip.
Fight Club
Where's your car? What car?
Fight Club
Fight Club
My dad never went to college, so it was real important that I go. That sounds familiar. So I graduate, I call him up long distance. I say, "Dad, now what?" He says, "Get a job." Same here. Now I'm 25. I make my yearly call again. I say, "Dad, now what?" He says, "I don't know. Get married." Eh, I mean... I can't get married. I'm a 30-year-old boy. We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.
Fight Club
What a shit-hole. Nothing worked. Turning on one light meant another light in the house went out. There were no neighbors, just some warehouses and a paper mill- that fart smell of steam, the hamster cage smell of wood chips. After work tomorrow, we'll be- Hey. What have we here?
Fight Club
Ooh! At night, Tyler and I were alone for a half a mile in every direction.
Fight Club
Hey, guys. Hey. It's cool. Ohh!
Fight Club
We should do this again sometime.
Fight Club
Come on, people, you gotta go home.
Fight Club
All right, man. Lose the tie.
Fight Club
Sometimes, all you could hear were the flat, hard packing sounds over the yelling... or the wet choke when someone caught their breath and sprayed... Stop! You weren't alive anywhere like you were there. But Fight Club only exists in the hours between when Fight Club starts and when Fight Club ends. Even if I could tell someone they had a good fight, I wouldn't be talking to the same man. Who you were in Fight Club is not who you were in the rest of the world. The guy who came to Fight Club for the first time, his ass was a wad of cookie dough. After a few weeks, he was carved out of wood. If you could fight any celebrity, who would you fight? Alive or dead? It doesn't matter. Who'd be tough? Hemingway. You? Shatner. I'd fight William Shatner.
Fight Club
Every time it rained, we had to kill the power. By the end of the first month, I didn't miss TV. I didn't even mind the warm, stale refrigerator.
Fight Club
This kid from work, Rick y, couldn't remember whether you ordered pens with blue ink or black...
Fight Club
We all started seeing things differently. Everywhere we went, we were sizing things up.
Fight Club
Don't you look at me. Do you think you're ever getting in this house? You're never getting in this fucking house. Never. Now get the fuck off the porch. Get off the porch! Sooner or later, we all became what Tyler wanted us to be. I'm gonna go inside and I'm gonna get a shovel.
Fight Club
How much money is he gettin' for this? There is no money. - Really. Ain't that somethin'? - Free to all. It is, actually. Look, stupid fuck... I want everybody outta here right now. Hey. You should join our club.
Fight Club
I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all those French beaches I'd never see. I wanted to breathe smoke.