Oh, my God, I'm just pure adrenaline right now. I feel like I swallowed bees. Okay... So where is it? What's the address? 1209, Columbus Road. Okay. I mean, whatever they want, - I'll say yes... - Anything. You know, just to get that report back. - Get it back and destroy it. - Destroy it. Holy shit, Ransom.
Knives Out
I'm just talking through my process here, let me know if this is boring. I feel the noose tightening. The family is truly desperate. Desperate motives, the mystery of who hired me, the impossibility of the crime, and yet...
Knives Out
What is that? Why can't I beat you at this game? Because I'm not playing to beat you. I'm playing to build a beautiful pattern. That's elder abuse. I'm gonna call the AARP. Don't make me get the belt, abuelo. It's basically over.
Knives Out
Vehicles in pursuit - on Washington Street. - No force. - Make sure you say "no force." - No force. We got a possible murder suspect. I said that. I said that.
Knives Out
Walt is smoking that filthy cigar out there on the porch. Dead and nasty things.
Knives Out
- Whoa! - Whoa! Why... Why are we stopping? Why are you stopping in the middle of the road?
Knives Out
Such a bad loser you are! Meds, then bed.
Knives Out
Oh, my God.
Knives Out
Hold on.
Knives Out
And sometime later that night, it's undetermined, but possibly near 3:00 a.m., Meg woke up because the dogs were barking outside. She used the bathroom, went back to bed. That's it. All right? Now, everyone's stories matched, every moment accounted for.
Knives Out
Based on this, the medical examiner determined the time of death to be between 12:15 and 2.00 a.m. As Walt was finishing his cigar at about 12:30, Meg came home. She went straight to bed. Walt and Jacob turned in shortly after that.
Knives Out
Miss Cabrera, um... We kept you waiting all afternoon, because I wanted to hear from you last. I needed an entire picture of the evening in my head, and your piece of it is at its very center.
Knives Out
What? And as we can see from this mornin', everyone can lie.