Go downstairs as noisily as you can and then say goodbye loudly. Walt, I'm leaving. Call attention to the time... God, it's midnight already. If you can.
Knives Out
And it would have worked if we hadn't have brought you in for questioning so you could not make your anonymous call. And if Fran had not stashed a safety copy of the tox report. And if Marta had not outplayed you once again.
Knives Out
My mom?
Knives Out
Oh, yes. Fran... ...who will confirm this very story or something close to it.
Knives Out
She wasn't talking about me, she said... Hugh did this. "Hugh did this." 'Cause you made the help call you Hugh.
Knives Out
Can I ask when did you know I had something to do with Harlan's death? Oh, from the first moment you set foot in front of me.
Knives Out
Linda! We've gotta get the attorneys on the phone right now!
Knives Out
You've got to get up to the third floor without being seen. And the only way is to climb the side trellis and come in through the trick hall window. You gotta be kidding me. I am not. Do it.
Knives Out
You know, sometimes I think that everything I've given my family, I've done maybe without knowing, or maybe to keep them beneath me.
Knives Out
Knives Out
This family. I should help them. Right? Well, I have my opinion, but I have a feeling you'll follow your heart.
Knives Out
Fran's dead.
Knives Out
And you just confessed to her murder.
Knives Out
Oh, shit. I want you to remember something that's very important.
Knives Out
She's ready to talk. Trooper Wagner, if you could, uh, keep Mr. Drysdale in custody while Lieutenant Elliott, Ms. Cabrera and myself, we go to the hospital and take Fran's statement. All right. Up, come on.