You want to talk about an argument, hell, Ransom had an argument with him. Ransom, that's, uh, - Richard and Linda's son? - Mmm. Look, we all love Ransom, he's a good kid. We love him.
Knives Out
I don't think so. You see, I spoke with the caterer this morning, she didn't see you helping her staff. She did hear Harlan in a screaming match with somebody that afternoon in his study.
Knives Out
About what? Are you goddamn insane? We couldn't make it out really, but it was huge. And it's strange they went into another room to do it. Usually they like to stoke up drama in front of the whole family. Speaking of getting into it...
Knives Out
Bells ringing?
Knives Out
Dad, are you firing me? No... We'll talk details tomorrow.
Knives Out
Knives Out
But that night, God, they had a blowout.
Knives Out
Good boy.
Knives Out
That's none of your business. You stay out of my marriage. I know my daughter, and she would want to know. I've put all of it in this letter to her. Tomorrow, she gets it. Harlan, I'm warning you. - No, she deserves to know. - You stay out of my marriage. She deserves to know, and you're gonna tell her. - The hell I am! - You tell her or I will!
Knives Out
We talked. We had a business discussion about e-books.
Knives Out
Yeah, the school hasn't got the check yet. I don't know why Alan didn't mail it. Well, Alan didn't mail it because he caught a discrepancy. Alan's office has been wiring tuition directly to the school as per your request. But Phyllis's office that handles your yearly allowance has been wiring tuition monies directly to you as well.
Knives Out
It was, uh, a money wiring issue with the office at the school. So I had to ask Harlan to cut a check for the semester. Mmm. No big deal.
Knives Out
My mind's made up.
Knives Out
Yes. Uh... Harlan had finally decided to put his mom in a nursing home and Linda had always opposed that. And I wanted to wait until we got back to Boston, uh, to tell Linda, so, to avoid a whole scene, and Harlan wanted me to tell her then.
Knives Out
Knives Out
Joni, have you seen Richard? No, I was, uh, just done with the, um... Okay, thanks. No.