Danny. Danny. Hey. Come on, man. I fucked up. I'm sorry, man. Come on, look, I was wrong. I feel like shit, man. I didn't want it to happen like this. Let's just discuss it some more, okay? Yeah. Let's just talk, dude. We're giving you an option. It's a choice, man. There's nothing to figure out, all right? You guys have said enough, and there's no going back anymore.
This Is the End
Come on, man. Fuck this. I'm just... I'm too thirsty to do this. And the fucking bitter irony is I'm not gonna have my thirst quenched until I finish this. God damn it, I hate it. Danny, no. Don't walk away. Danny, don't walk away from me! It's too late, Seth. I've already walked away too much. No, you haven't. You could still come back and just fucking turn around and come back and help me.
This Is the End
Oh, shit. What happened? What did I do? Take me back! What did I do? I'll tell you what happened, Franco. You don't get to get sucked up into Heaven 'cause you were being petty. Tom Petty. You may not have invited me to your party, but you're the guest of honor at mine. What?
This Is the End
I gouged a man's eyeballs out. What the... Fuck off. Craig. Well, I was a kid, man. It was a fuckin' bar fight. It was a bad foosball game. He said I didn't call spinneys, and I fuckin' called spinneys. He got all in my face, and I smashed a bottle across his face...
This Is the End
The power of Christ compels you! Geez, it hurts a little bit. It's, like, this little sting. The power of Christ compels you! Seriously, fuck off. The power of Christ compels you!
This Is the End
I'm sorry, all right? You can cum wherever you want. I don't even care about cumming anymore.
This Is the End
I love him. That's fucking G.I. Joe, dude. Fucking loves me.
This Is the End
He can't touch us! We're in a force field!
This Is the End
Oh, my God. What?
This Is the End
It worked. What's happening? Craig! Craig!
This Is the End
Stop, man. Seriously, Craig, stop.
This Is the End
From Moneyball.
This Is the End
You got this, dawg.
This Is the End
- Franco! - Come on!
This Is the End
Is that true?
This Is the End
This Is the End
This Is the End
She kept calling me Jake Gyllenhaal. That's fucked up. Yeah, I said, "Call me the Prince of Persia. " See, that's what I'm saying, man. We've all done bad shit, you know? We've done more bad shit than good in our lives, and it's time to pay the piper.