Oh. You know what, actually? We should go to Franco's house soon. He's having a housewarming party. He just finished building his house. I haven't even seen it yet, but it's supposed to be bonkers. I haven't been in LA in, like, a year, and I came here to chill with you. We can chill together, and we'll chill with those other guys. We'll all chill as one big unit. Will I even know anybody there? You know James Franco. James Franco doesn't even know my name. Jonah Hill will be there. Can't stand him. He can't stand me. He's, like, the nicest guy in the world! He likes you so much. He specifically talks about how he likes you. Out of nowhere, he just said, "You know what? "Jay's an inspiration. " There's no way he said that. Also, just can't stand him. Okay, fine. Craig Robinson. Never met him. He's hilarious. Sweats a lot, but he's a great guy. So it's gonna be fun, man.
This Is the End
Hi. This is James Franco, in my house, in my library. We've been stuck here for about 24 hours. Danny McBride is here. I didn't even invite him to my party, but he came and passed out in the bathtub, and I got to say it's, like, typical fucking McBride. Like, I've been feeling really weird about him lately. Like, I don't really know if I want to be friends with him, and then he fucking showed up at my party, and now, we're stuck here with him in disaster lockdown, so...
This Is the End
Fuck, man. I'm just pouring myself another glass of water to wash down that dry-ass Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That's very nice, but you can't just pour yourself another glass of water, man! Will you cut it out? Yeah. We agreed to one glass at dinner, we voted on it, man. Well, man, I'm just getting sick and tired of all these fucking rules, man. You don't see me putting rules on you guys. You cannot have another glass of water. Jay weighs 150 pounds less than me. Why the fuck is it fair that him and I should drink the same amount of water? We should be dividing our rations based on our proportionate size. I don't want to come off as a diva here or anything. It's just that I think everyone should split everything equally. "I just think that everybody shoul have the fucking same. "I have a goddamn earring. " Shut the fuck up, Jonah! You know what, Danny? If you weren't jizzing all the time, maybe you'd be more hydrated. You're making me into a joke right now, Franco, and you are not gonna like the fucking punch line. No more jerking off! No more water! Just sit the fuck down! Okay, I'm done. We're not gonna have any more water. Good. All right.
This Is the End
Dude, that's great. Thank you. Sick. What have you guys been doing? Oh, we just hung out all day. Ate a bunch of dirty burgers, and smoked about a fucking pound of weed and played a bunch of video games. Weed is tight. Weed is tight. That's awesome. That's awesome. Weed is awesome. It was like the golfing sequence in Navy SEALs. Sick reference, though, bro. Oh, thanks, bud. Dude, your references are out of control. Everyone knows that. Hey, thanks, man. I'm jealous. I would have been there in a heartbeat, but, uh, I actually just adopted this incontinent spaniel. She's a really beautiful soul. Her name's Ahjhai. Ahjhai? Yeah. How do you spell it? A - H - J - H - A - I. A - H... You want to see a picture of her? Oh, she's so sweet. Hey! Look at her. Aw! She can't bark. She doesn't know how, so... She doesn't know how to bark, even? She doesn't know how to bark, so I've tried to teach her and she just kind of screams, and so she was up, had her face smushed against the cage, and was, like... Ah!
This Is the End
I think it's a cool house. I know you do. I can't wait to see inside it. That's why I'm excited. Ha-ha! Yes! What's up, man? Seth! So happy you're here. I'm so happy to be here. Hey, Johnny, what's up? It's Jay. It's Jay. I'll never forget it again, man. Good to see you. Nice to see you. Come on in. Yeah! Yeah, great. Check it out. My new place! Awesome, man! Designed it myself. Really cool. This place is beautiful, man. This place is like a piece of me. You two just stepped inside me.
This Is the End
What? It's good for you. I didn't know... You're supposed to take six shits a day. That's not true. It is true! You're supposed to shit twice a day. No. That's not true. That's what they used to think. Now they know you're supposed to shit six times a day. So you're not drinking. You're not smoking weed. You're not... No, no, I'm drinking and smoking weed. But... I'm on a cleanse. I'm not psychotic. Look, man, if you stopped eating gluten, you'd feel way fucking better all day. Whenever you feel shitty, that's 'cause of gluten. That's not true. It is. Who the fuck told you not to eat gluten? It's just true. You don't even know what gluten is. I know what fucking gluten is. No, you have no idea what gluten is. I do know what gluten is. Gluten's a vague term. It's something that's used to categorize things that are bad, you know? Calories, that's a gluten. Fat, that's a gluten. Somebody just told you you probably shouldn't eat gluten, you're like, "Oh, I guess I shouldn't eat gluten. " Gluten means bad shit, man, and I'm not eating it.
This Is the End
"And the skies shall open up, and the light of the Lord shall shine down, "and those of good heart shall be brought into my kingdom of heaven. " That's the Rapture, those are the gigantic beams of blue light. "And there will be a great mountain burning in fire. " I mean, the Hollywood Hills are literally engulfed in flames as we sit here right now. The Hollywood Hills ain't no mountain. It's a hill. Takes about 10 minutes to get across that motherfucker with no traffic. Coldwater. I take Laurel Canyon. Cahuenga. Cahuenga. I usually zip down Barham. Boys, can I just fucking finish? I love Laurel Canyon. "And out of the pit rose a great red dragon having seven heads, "that old serpent called the devil and Satan, "which deceiveth the whole world, "was released onto the earth. "
This Is the End
Emma! It's Emma. Oh, my God, you guys are alive. You're actually alive. Thank God! I hid in a drainpipe for days. Like, three or four. I don't even know how many. And then I stopped hearing people, and I started hearing growling noises. Out there, in your travels, uh, did you see anything that you would describe as Apocalyptish? I mean, no, but, uh, I would say it's completely obvious what's going on here. I mean, it's a zombie invasion. Fuck! I'm the one who said it's been zombies. You said zombies? I said zombies the whole time. You said zombies? I don't think... You never said zombies. Wait a second. You guys haven't been proven right. These are still just theories. Honestly, I'm just so relieved that you guys are here, and I'm very happy about the idea of sleeping and just... You tired? Yeah. If you want to take a little rest, you're welcome to do that upstairs. Thank you. Cool. - I'll show you the way. - Thank you. Thanks, guys. Seriously, you're awesome, really. You're awesome.
This Is the End
# Yeah # Am I sexual? # Yeah # Am I everything you need? # You better rock your body now # Everybody # Yeah # Rock your body # Yeah # Everybody # Rock your body right # Backstreet's back, all right # All right # Backstreet's back, all right #
This Is the End
Craig doesn't have any pants on. He got fucking wild. Probably danced, sweated all over the place. You got white shit all over your mouth, Franco. You probably sucked somebody's dick. Jonah over here probably watched and jerked off. Jay, I didn't even know you were in town. Good to see you. Danny, we're not on acid. We didn't suck each other's dicks! James Franco didn't suck any dick last night? Now I know y'all are tripping. You actually not know what happened last night? Daniel, you may want to stay seated for a second. Some really messed-up stuff happened, and there were a lot of fatalities. Oh, really? You're putting your serious voice on, Jonah? Okay, tell me about these "fatalities. " Dude, Segel's dead, Krumholtz is dead, Michael Cera's dead. Guess if Michael Cera's gone, it's not a total loss, huh? Jesus, Danny. Michael Cera's dead. What? It's not like that. It's not funny, man. It's really not funny. Seth, that's a better performance than you've given in your last six movies. Where the fuck was that in Green Hornet, huh? Jonah, you're fucking sucking balls. You're an Academy Award nominated person. You need to be fucking selling that shit, dude. "Fatalities. There were some fatalities. "
This Is the End
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, hey. What now? Listen. Not the Rogen, all right? Don't take him. Take me. We got 12 bottles of water, 56 beers, two vodkas, four whiskeys, six bottles of wine, tequila, Nutella, cheese, pizza, eggs, bananas, apples, bacon, steaks, pancake mix, CT Crunch, milk, ketchup, a Milky Way, half ounce Sour Diesel, three and a half grams Grand Master Kush, one ounce of 'shrooms, 15 pills of ecstasy, a porno mag, a baseball bat, and the video camera from the movie 27 Hours. 127 Hours.
This Is the End
Listen, Jay... Oh, shit.
This Is the End
Ah, fellas. Yeah. Yes.
This Is the End
Jesus. Oh, fuck. You guys okay? I broke my ass in half. Here. Shit, they got through! You guys fucking did it. Oh, my God. Fuck. Did that hurt? Oh, yes, it fucking hurt. I loosened this up for you, I'll have you know. Okay, just shut up. It's fucking dark down here. Hold on, hold on.
This Is the End
I'll go with you, Jay. Really? Is it because of our pact upstairs? Nah, 'cause you got them skinny-ass arms. You couldn't carry enough to feed a hamster.
This Is the End
Hey. What are you doing? That should be me out there. I totally fucked those guys.
This Is the End
Cut it! Cut it! Cut it! Cut it! Cut it!
This Is the End
Danny. Danny. Hey. Come on, man. I fucked up. I'm sorry, man. Come on, look, I was wrong. I feel like shit, man. I didn't want it to happen like this. Let's just discuss it some more, okay? Yeah. Let's just talk, dude. We're giving you an option. It's a choice, man. There's nothing to figure out, all right? You guys have said enough, and there's no going back anymore.