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You just in town visiting him, or what? Yeah. Just for a little visit, you know. I try to not come down here very much. I don't really love it here. You don't like LA? I'm just not really into the LA lifestyle.

This Is the End

Oh, my God, Jesus, Jesus! Run, run, run!

This Is the End

Craig. Oh, my... What? This is awesome. Are you an angel? Yes, sir. That's so cool, man. That is so cool. Congratulations, dude.

This Is the End

I think it's the Apocalypse.

This Is the End


This Is the End

You don't got a tool kit or nothing? Just a toolbox? I don't know. Look in there.

This Is the End

You want to come with me? Give me this much time. That much joint time.

This Is the End

I will go.

This Is the End

There's something out here!

This Is the End

Okay, now that was good. That was good. Does it seem like we're fucking joking? Hey, hey, hey! What the fuck you eating, man? Spit it out your mouth. Give me the bacon!

This Is the End

What up? What's going on? Hey, Danny. What's up, man? Not much. What are you doing? What is this? Oh, it's just a video confessional.

This Is the End

We are going back to Franco's! Oh, God damn it.

This Is the End

It's better with more people. Hey, guys... - Jesus Christ. - Jesus! Sorry. Franco has this crazy open floor plan. I can hear every word you guys are saying. I might as well hang with you guys if that's cool. Nice. Coming in hot. I gonna grab a blanket from you. Give me that blanket. Get in the middle of it. That's good. That's it. It feels so much more safe now, guys. It's nice here. Should we spoon it? Yeah, you want to? No! Want to go... Dick to butt? No. My butt to you and then Jay. I don't want to butt to dick to anything. Are you docking into me? You're doing tip to me? Or what are you doing? Should we go butt to butt or dick to... Seth and I are gonna go ass to ass. Do you want to go front to front? No, I'm fine just going dicks up. Dicks up? I think I'm going dick to ass. You know what? I'm going Scarface-style. Both of you guys. Wait, yeah. There we go. Yeah. This is the best way. Good night, boys. Good night. Good night. Good night, guys. Night, my sweet guys. Good night. Sweet dreams, fellas.

This Is the End

Holy shit! What happened? Jay, you're alive. Jay. Oh, thank God, Jay. I'm not dead yet. I told you guys not to go outside. What just happened? Jesus Christ, they are all fucking dead. I told you guys not to run outside. You all right? I tried to save Aziz. I tried. You did your best, man. I love you. Why the fuck did you guys run out there? You know what, James, can you lower your voice? You're freaking out Jay! Maybe I'm a little freaked out, too! - He's not as strong as you. - They all fell in. - Look at my house! - I tried to save them. They all fell in. Get your fucking hands off me. Jonah, stop touching me. Can we get Jay some water, please? Can we get him some hydration? - He needs to be hydrated. - The water's not working! Everyone just runs out the door! My phone is dead. Guys, the fucking Internet's not working! Let's watch the TV. Let's check the news. Where is the TV? It's in the floor. In the floor? - Oh, that's dope. - Yeah, cool, huh? That's really neat. That is impressive, James. The biggest earthquake to ever hit Los... Officers urging people to stay in their homes right now. And also reports of looting and rioting are spreading across the city. Riots. Police are pretty much outnumbered as people are turning to one another. Martial law has now been declared. Air Force One has gone down...

This Is the End

So, is it weird? No. You sure? I really like it. What do you think, Jay? I'm not a big art guy. You don't like art? Well, come on... You play video games? Yes. Well, guess what, buddy? You like art. Yep. You ever been to Subway? Yes. You order a sandwich? Somebody put that together for you, dude. That's art. Sandwich artist. So, let me lay this on you, Jay. Oh, fuck. Your mama's pussy was the canvas. Your dad's dick was the paintbrush. Boom. You're the art. Huh?

This Is the End

# Livin' on fat pockets on flat wit tha gat # Rollin' around a nine deuce Cadillac # Still got my homies to watch my back # And they'll smoke ya ass if you wanna come and chat # Why wallow when you come to roll on? I put the clip # And before I bring ya ass on # Kickin ' dust on your head like I bust # My grip surrounded, I'm about... Fuck, yeah. # When tha shit goes down ya better be ready # When tha shit goes down # When tha shit goes down ya better be ready # When tha shit goes down # When tha shit goes down ya better be ready # Ya better be ready # Franco! Good morning, sunshine. Guys! Guys! Wake up! Danny's alive! He's eating all the fucking food! No! Danny, man, don't.

This Is the End

Craig, you didn't have my back, back there. You fuckin' disappoint me. Bro. And, Seth, you duplicitous taint. What? Then of course, there's Jay, the self-righteous, cock-sucking, two-faced backstabber. What the fuck are you talking about? I overheard your little conversation with Craig, all right? The only reason why you care about any of us is because you think that's what God wants you to do. You don't give a shit about us. No, no, no, no, that's fucking twisting that shit... You're fucking lying. Am I twisting this? I believe you were in Los Angeles two months ago, at the Four Seasons. I saw you there, and you specifically asked me not to tell Seth, so that you could maintain the illusion that you always stay with Seth when you're in Los Angeles. Ooh!

This Is the End

Why not? Yeah, why not? I can hear you, by the way. I'm sorry. We just don't know you, man. You could be like, a looter, or a rapist, or a tittie-fucker. Like, I'm sorry. Look, guys, we just boarded up this whole house to keep everyone out, and the first guy comes to the door, we're gonna let him in? I mean, how do we know we can trust this guy? I want to live! Things have gone crazy out here! "Fucking crazy out here!" This guy fucking sucks. What if he's the rapist? Man, even if he is a rapist, he can't rape all of us. Yeah! No! So I'm not... I'm not a rapist! You want to tittie-fuck us? If you want me to tittie-fuck you, I will! So good! You'll love it. Seth, back me up, please. We can't just leave him out there to die. Are you crazy? What do you want to do? I'll do whatever you want to do. Let's vote on it. Yeah, I fucking vote you let me in. Here's my vote. Fuck all of you. I'm letting him in. This is boring.

This Is the End