Hey, guys. I'm going to sleep now. Nobody come in here and bother me.
This Is the End
Craig! What the fuck do we do? Craig! Craig!
This Is the End
Everyone, it's all right. Just a little tremor. Party's still going. In-N-Out truck's coming in 10 minutes.
This Is the End
Thanks, James Franco. You got it. Seth! Mindy, hello. Oh, my God, great to see you. Oh, you, too. Long time. How's it going? You know Jay? I don't think I've ever actually met you. You were so good in Million Dollar Baby. That's amazing. Thank you so much for saying that. Oh, my God, if I don't fuck Michael Cera tonight, I'm gonna blow my brains out. What? Fucking pale, 110 pounds, hairless, probably has a huge cock, coked out of his mind... You can do a lot better. That's just trouble. So, Ri-Ri, how about you, you ever see a psychiatrist? Um...
This Is the End
This is real! This is fucking real!
This Is the End
All I know is I'm scared as hell, and I just want to get back to our friends. Yeah, but they're not my friends.
This Is the End
Whoa, they got weed in Heaven? What? You tell me.
This Is the End
A knife! Somebody throw me a knife! I'll get it.
This Is the End
Are you okay? Are you okay? Did you just see that? What the hell?
This Is the End
I think we all remember how this works. Whoever gets the burnt match has to go to one of Franco's neighbors' houses, get us some food and some water. No-ho-ho. No, I'm not going first. I'll go first. Thank you. Very mature of you. Thank you.
This Is the End
Go, go, go, go, go! Go, get outside! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Go, go on! Come on, hurry up, he's coming! He's coming!
This Is the End
Whoa! Easy. Easy. Back the fuck up! Emma. What's wrong? Wait, what's wrong? What's wrong? I just heard you guys talking about which one of you is gonna get to rape me. No, no, no, no! Guys, I got it. I got it. No. It's funny. It's funny. We were specifically talking about not raping you.
This Is the End
Dude. I know. I think we're making some progress. That was really good. And honestly, he's your old friend. We're your new friends. He feels threatened. Yeah, man. You know, and I get it. It's gonna be fine. I honestly think tonight's the night we bust this whole thing open. And I'm lucky. It's the same thing a lot, though. It's, like, my TV wife opens the fridge, and is, like, "What happened to the birthday cake?" And I come out with, like, a little frosting, like, "What birthday cake?" 'Cause you ate the cake! Yeah. 'Cause you ate the cake! "It's my birthday. "
This Is the End
Jesus! Holy shit! Back up!
This Is the End
You just in town visiting him, or what? Yeah. Just for a little visit, you know. I try to not come down here very much. I don't really love it here. You don't like LA? I'm just not really into the LA lifestyle.