I'm not going. What? I'm not going. I'm bowing out. I'm declining to go. What? Let me break it down for you.
This Is the End
This Is the End
Jonah, you okay? Yeah.
This Is the End
...and the first eyeball was an accident, but then I was, like, fuck it, and I went for the second one. It was fucked up. But you know what? That shit happens. I'm saying, that's... I think that's why I'm here. I got to admit something. I, uh...
This Is the End
Shit, are they still there? I think they're gone. Are they gone? Oh, my God. Why did Franco flip off Danny? Why did he have to do that, man? He was in the clear. That is textbook. Vanity or... Is it vanity? Vanity or envy. Is it envy or wrath? It's any of them, man. You can't do that. It's being a sore winner, is what it is, more than anything. That's exactly what it is. You can't be a sore winner. No.
This Is the End
Danny? What the fuck? You guys are still alive? Yeah. Holy shit, I didn't expect that. Fuck out here.
This Is the End
She kept calling me Jake Gyllenhaal. That's fucked up. Yeah, I said, "Call me the Prince of Persia. " See, that's what I'm saying, man. We've all done bad shit, you know? We've done more bad shit than good in our lives, and it's time to pay the piper.
This Is the End
Hey. What are you doing? That should be me out there. I totally fucked those guys.
This Is the End
What the fuck! What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? There's a fuckin' demon chasing us! A demon? Demon? What the fuck happened to you guys? That! It's Jonah! He's possessed! He's crazy!
This Is the End
I don't know if there maybe is, like, something you guys could give me so I could at least have some sort of protection while I'm out there. Danny, you don't have to do this. - Yeah, man. - All right, if you're really leaving then you should take this. Really? You don't know what's out there.
This Is the End
Why? OMG. Jay, I'm so sorry, bro. The fuck?
This Is the End
What is that?
This Is the End
I'm sorry, all right? You can cum wherever you want. I don't even care about cumming anymore.
This Is the End
Any volunteers? Does anyone want to volunteer and go with Jay?
This Is the End
That's so sad.
This Is the End
I think it's a cool house. I know you do. I can't wait to see inside it. That's why I'm excited. Ha-ha! Yes! What's up, man? Seth! So happy you're here. I'm so happy to be here. Hey, Johnny, what's up? It's Jay. It's Jay. I'll never forget it again, man. Good to see you. Nice to see you. Come on in. Yeah! Yeah, great. Check it out. My new place! Awesome, man! Designed it myself. Really cool. This place is beautiful, man. This place is like a piece of me. You two just stepped inside me.
This Is the End
No whammies, no whammies. - Hey, hey. - Yes! Yeah! Fuck, yes! Yes! - Whoo! - Fuck, yes. Fuck, yes. So sorry, Craig. A lot of guys in here that I wish it was instead of you.