Exactly. - I see. - P: Ah. Is there anything else I can get you? A gun? We... don't really do guns anymore. PEGASUS: Just... get him a gun. - Mm-hmm. - P: Right, a gun.
P: Right. Haven't actually... done one of these before. It is my obligation under section 14 of the Health and Safety Directive to inform you that the equipment with which you are about to be issued can cause injury and bodily harm.
Johnny English Strikes Again
Johnny English Strikes Again
(SIGHS): Whew. You're seriously telling me this is all we've got? Uh, most of them are either dead, having hip operations, or recovering from prostate surgery. (CLEARS THROAT) Okay. LESLEY: Before your briefing, we'll need you to re-sign - the Official Secrets Act. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. (SOFTLY): Thank you very much. Any of you gentlemen remember this? - AGENT 5: Ooh, the Montblanc Blaster. - Mm-hmm. Haven't seen one of those for years. Take the cap off, and, if memory serves, you've 20 seconds to replace it, or it detonates with the force of a stun grenade. - (OTHERS CHUCKLING) - Oh... (CHUCKLES BREATHILY)
Johnny English Strikes Again
(BIRD SQUAWKING IN DISTANCE) ("BUMP & GRIND" BY VATO GONZALEZ PLAYING) ♪ Drop ♪ Yo, wha, bump and grind ♪ This one girl make you bump and grind ♪ ♪ Move to the left, girl, move to the right... ♪ Sir? Sir! I just got off the phone to P in London. He's found out who the owner of that yacht is. Jason Volta! The world's most powerful Internet billionaire, sir. And he's in London right now. The prime minister is personally negotiating a trade deal with him.
Johnny English Strikes Again
(HONKING STOPS, TRAFFIC WHOOSHING) (CHUCKLES): Oh, crikey. So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about? You, Jason. (MOUTHS) I want to talk about you.
Johnny English Strikes Again
Johnny English Strikes Again
Johnny English Strikes Again
(WOMAN SCREAMS) (INDISTINCT CHATTER) And what about you... - Basil? - Oh, I'm just here on business. Although it's rapidly turning into pleasure. (CHUCKLES) Hmm.