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Sorry, I thought I had forgotten something.
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
Let's go. AUTOMATED VOICE: Command accepted.
Johnny English Reborn
The CIA ordered its destruction 10 years ago. And the agent in charge of its disposal...
Johnny English Reborn
(METALLIC CLANGING) Lost them testing the B-6 exploding brogues. Oh, I'm so sorry. How are you?
Johnny English Reborn
Sir, I don't think he's a "Susan."
Johnny English Reborn
Come on, harder.
Johnny English Reborn
And completely out of my league.
Johnny English Reborn
Good luck, sir!
Johnny English Reborn
Agent Tucker!
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
I got a better idea. I'll shoot you! No, no, no. - Die, Vortex scum! - Tucker!
Johnny English Reborn
It's Johnny English.
Johnny English Reborn
There is a plot to kill the Chinese Premier. Masterminded by a group of ruthless assassins called Vortex.
Johnny English Reborn
Come on.
Johnny English Reborn
Well played, sir! Well played!
Johnny English Reborn
Premier, I am most grateful you have agreed to meet me at this time.
Johnny English Reborn
Oi! Who do you think you are?
Johnny English Reborn