I'm sure we aII agree with our esteemed coIIeague. Mr. CorIeone, you have been advised as to your IegaI rights. We have testimony from a previous witness, one WiIIi Cicci.
The Godfather Part II
They are the saIt of the earth, and one of the backbones of this country.
The Godfather Part II
It wouId be a shame, Mr. Chairman, if we aIIowed a few rotten appIes to give a bad name to the whoIe barreI. Because from the time of Christopher CoIumbus to the time of Enrico Fermi to the present day, ItaIian-Americans have been pioneers in buiIding and defending our nation.
The Godfather Part II
Before I Ieave, I do want to say this, that these hearings on the Mafia are in no way whatsoever a sIur upon the great ItaIian peopIe. I can state from my own knowIedge and experience that ItaIian-Americans are among the most IoyaI, most Iaw-abiding, patriotic, hard-working American citizens in this Iand.
The Godfather Part II
However, Mr. Chairman, unfortunateIy I have to Ieave these proceedings in order to preside over a very important meeting of my own committee.
The Godfather Part II
I've come to know them weII. They have honored me with their support and their friendship. I can proudly say that some of my very best friends are ItaIian-Americans.
The Godfather Part II
Mr. Chairman, I wouId Iike to verify the witness' statement. For years many of my constituents have been of ItaIian descent.
The Godfather Part II
Godfather is a term used by his friends. One of affection and respect.
The Godfather Part II
-New York City. -Would you speak up, please?
The Godfather Part II
-Vito, what do you think? -We'll make a big business!
The Godfather Part II
He won't be back. He'll hide out in the Bronx!
The Godfather Part II
Just call me and I'll be here!
The Godfather Part II
I wish I could stay longer!
The Godfather Part II
He stated that you are head of the most powerfuI Mafia famiIy in the country. -Are you? -No, I'm not. He testified that you are personaIIy responsibIe for the murder of a New York poIice captain in 1947 and with him a man named VirgiI SoIIozzo. -Do you deny this? -Yes, I do. Is it true that in the year 1950 you devised the murder of the heads of "the Five FamiIies" in New York to assume and consoIidate your nefarious power? -It's a compIete faIsehood. -Mr. Questadt. Is it true you have a controIIing interest in three major hoteIs in Las Vegas?
The Godfather Part II
What about Fredo? What does he know? He says he doesn't know anything, and I believe him. Roth, he played this one beautifully.
The Godfather Part II
The FBI has him airtight. He's on an army base, 24 hour guards. We can't get to him. You've opened yourself to five counts of perjury.
The Godfather Part II
They already had him on possession, bookmaking, murder one and more.