Buy me out? The casino, the hotel. The Corleone family wants to buy you out. The Corleone family wants to buy me out? No, I buy you out. Your casino loses money. We can do better. -You think I'm skimming off the top? -You're unlucky.
The Godfather
He's still alive. They hit him with five shots, and he's still alive! That's bad luck for me, and bad luck for you if you don't make that deal.
The Godfather
It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business.
The Godfather
Greetings, Don Tommasino.
The Godfather
Come to my house Sunday morning. My name is Vitelli.
The Godfather
She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous! And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous! You get the hell out of here! If that goombah tries any rough stuff, tell him I'm no bandleader.
The Godfather
So is Philip Tattaglia.
The Godfather
If there's nothing else, I'd like to go to my daughter's wedding.
The Godfather
A type more Greek than Italian.
The Godfather
What's most important to me is that I have a guarantee. No more attempts on my father's life. What guarantees can I give you? I'm the hunted one! I missed my chance. You think too much of me, kid. I'm not that clever.
The Godfather
They're all dead from vendettas.
The Godfather
Yeah, I heard that story.
The Godfather
I don't like violence, Tom. I'm a businessman. Blood is a big expense.