Why do you think he kept Carlo at the Mall? He knew he was going to kill him. And you stood godfather to our baby. You lousy cold-hearted bastard! Want to know how many men he had killed with Carlo? Read the papers! That's your husband, that's your husband!
The Godfather
What's the matter with you? Your brain is going soft from playing with that girl. Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again.
The Godfather
-Sonny, it's Michael. -Where have you been? -Is he all right? -We don't know yet. There are all kinds of stories. He was hit bad, Mikey.
The Godfather
I want you to help the Corleones and me.
The Godfather
Tattaglia or Barzini?
The Godfather
We're counting on you.
The Godfather
They wouldn't be friendly long if I was involved in drugs instead of gambling, which they regard as a harmless vice, but drugs is a dirty business. It doesn't make any difference to me what a man does for a living. But your business is...a little dangerous. If you're worried about security, the Tattaglias will guarantee it. -The Tattaglias would guarantee our... -Wait a minute.
The Godfather
Why do you come to me? Why do I deserve this generosity? If you consider a million dollars in cash just finance, te salud Don Corleone.
The Godfather
-Remember me? -Enzo. You'd better go, there's going to be trouble. If there is trouble, I'll stay here to help you. For your father.
The Godfather
-Phil, take him in! -The kid's clean, Captain. -He's a war hero. He's never been... -I said take him in!
The Godfather
-Hey, Mike... -I'm here on business. Get rid of them. I'm tired. Get rid of the band too.
The Godfather
Come on, honey. I don't know what's the matter with him, Johnny. Sorry.